Updating Torghast this Week

That sounds like floor 1 to me every attempt at the moment. Though evidently, I am VERY unlucky.

Elites should drop anima cells. This will be on every one of my posts until it happens.

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I think most content like leveling and campaign is unimaginative, uncompelling and boring overall. and even worse, my skills as a player don’t help me finish them any faster.
and you say torghast is boring? OK…

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I didn’t think it was necessary, but Ill take it. Thanks :grin:

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It’s definitely boring at least to me. Gotta keep both sides happy. This is a good middle ground

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I thank you from the bottom of my heart

exactly…tired of this faceroll content everywhere.

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It was already faceroll its just shorter now. Where is the issue ?


My issue is you don’t get anima cells from killing elites.


I wonder if this will mean 13th times the charm for my layer 7

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Did both layer 8 today. The one where we get increased physical damage took me 5 attempts, did the other with 2 attempts.

I think the nerf are unnecessary as well. If this is the character you tried it with, it’s obvious that you won’t be able to do it with 175 ilvl. Now it will be nerfed, everyone will get at least normal raid gear and it will be mage tower all over again where everyone oneshotted everything with Antorus gear.


Thanks Blizzard, i had a lot of fun doing it in the first two weeks, but 7 and 8 were a pain as a Windwalker, i cleared them fine, but i had to wait for cooldowns to be back for every elite i fought which made those runs take quite a while, specially the floor bosses which were hitting like a truck.

But, once i got to them, the endbosses were fun to do as always with the right powers.

This is great news :blue_heart:


I did, it was a challenge. Used everything , pots/flask/food/drums and what? after 5 deaths, killed him.

Glad you’re having a blast with Torghast , however for a lot of people it’s not fun and is also way too long making it a boring slog

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i didnt said im enjoying it. NErf wasn’t needed.

This is fair, It’s almost like the elites should drop anima cells or somthing. Personally though I would really like an endless mode. I don’t care about gear so much, I just really like rouge likes.

It definitely was needed to both make the highest layers easier and also to make it take a lot less time. This was necessary and is a good middle ground.

As long as it’s not mandatory why not


Doesn’t matter. This was supposed to be the easy mode. The real challenge will be Twisting corridors.


They’ll nerf that once those struggling moan about it enough. There’s a distinct pattern of behaviour from Blizzard here; give in to the moaners so they stop moaning.


Good. Torghast isnt supposed to be extra competitive content anyway , it’s supposed to be played by everyone no matter what content you do and what class/spec you play.