Updating Torghast this Week

No one would moan if elites dropped anima cells. It’s the perfect fix!

No point in a rogue-like feature that doesn’t need you to re-run it. There is just no point in Torghast at all anymore.

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Funzies… or at least once elites drop anima cells it will be.

Isn’t that the place where we can get the mount for the maw? Oh boy, the whining we had before will be nothing compared to that.

Seems like this is the future of WoW. Nothing other than mythic raid or high keys can be challenging otherwise people with heroic dungeon gear will be angry that it’s too hard for them.

What do you mean doesnt need you to re run it ? If anything it’ll get nerfed a bit that’s really it

Sounds like a good change. The difficulty level was def too hard for these early layers (although I suppose it depends how many layers are planned. Imagine how difficult it will be if it goes up to 20!).


To be fair, I question their decision to put one of the two mounts which are usable in the Maw in what essentially is the Challenge Mode of the expansion. It never made any sense.

That said, I would not worry about Twisted Corridors getting nerfed. It is supposed to be a challenge after all. I very much look forward to clearing it. :slight_smile:

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I mean there is no point in all the anima powers and random stuff if it’s tuned so you can just beat it every time no matter what anima powers and random stuff you get.

Going through 40 minutes and wasting that time because you didnt get decent anima powers isnt really fun though is it ?

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I wonder if that druid saying it was fine is going to comment here.


I’ve been waiting for this.

So many priest powers are built around fear, meaning they were rendered useless against the final boss … but no more :hugs:


Maybe not to you, but I had a blast with that kind of gameplay playing Hades, as did many others. You should try that game, it’s excellent and might change your mind about Torghast.

If you’re going to bother adding rogue-like to WoW then it should be rogue-like, not WoW-like.

Might as well just remove it.

Ugh, I don’t support this at all.

Wrong way to go about it tbh.

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It’s actually the perfect way to go about it , it takes less time and is a bit easier on higher layers which means the content is for everyone and for every class no matter your spec. It’s good the way it is now.

Perhaps adding a different kind of game and making it mandatory wasnt the best of ideas in the end ?

Yesssss, let the nerfs flow!


The only acceptable “adjustment” to this bs. Thanks, no thanks.

They can’t because it’s supposed to be endless. So who cares if the lower floors are easy

Remove that thing from the game and sell it as a optional mod , Sl is the worst expansion in wow history already , honeymoon phase is over , my nissan crawls better than wow exprience atm , fiz it plx…and fire all the peopl that had this blillant idea

Yeah, now you don’t even have to think and can just keep the boss permafeared, unable to even fight back.


Wow I will surely enjoy this. any boss I struggle with? Just paralyze it and wait, poke it once and paralyze again. Great :clown_face:

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