Upgrading legendaries should not require base armor anymore

Why on earth did they make it like this?! The new r5-6 legendaries are so expensive! Worse yet, we have to craft a ton of useless legendaries to even raise the proficiency to craft new ones ourselves! Whoever designed this should get thrown out of the company!


Wtf blizz y i no make moni from profession wow is ded

Blizzard : Fixes by adding legendary vessels through profession crafting

Wtf blizz y i pay moni for stuff, it should be free!

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It’s basically what Grovi has said above ^^

Professions have been eroded over the years and are mostly worthless. Blizzard gave crafters items that are needed and will make them gold in game.

It’s player controlled market but levelling up the ability to make the high rank legendaries for multiple slots is not a cheap exercise.

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Professions were dead for the past several expansions with nothing but a few transmogs to get out of them. Also, the legendary crafting was not a fix. It WOULD be a fix if a legendary item could be upgraded on its own without having to literally lock a player behind a paywall that is impossible to farm up with just playing the game the way it was intended to be played. If, say, the legendary was crafted with the maximal item level from the get-go and would cost a lot of resources, then yea, I would probably agree that it’s a necessary evil which you could avoid by just making it yourself via a twink. This garbage, however, is a toothbreaking grind of having to craft tonns of useless items which you cannot hope to sell only to craft a single item with resources that would probably cost at least a yeat of play time in WoW token.
This system isn’t a fix to the economy, it is, if anything, a way to push people into buying tokens.


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