Upright undead

Any word on this happening. Id love an upright undead it has a Leoric vibe to it.

I know blood elves and void elves seem to be getting attention but would be nice for other races to get some cool options to steal some their populations.


Have you tried one of those lil blue pills?

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Upright orcs look stupid, you sure undeads would look any better?

Nah they actually decided not put any interns on undead options and port the ready made chinese options instead.

It is like F2P company.


Undead got barely anything lol.


We got eye color options like every other race. Because tech is already there.

Bald females… Like every other race. Because tech is already there.

Chinese models that were there in client for many years.

We got screwed.

Zero effort.

Promising ‘Core Races’ Options after waiting many years… Getting NOTHING.


I infact play with with this option. Added one line to some file.
It’s quite hilarious to see bread loafs instead what I assume was a meatbag on abominations.

It’s like this visually:


I wonder if they might add another undead race one day with the straight backs. I mean they did for the trolls, they added a new troll race thats just stood up straight. Would be nice if they just have the option like on the orcs now but, they don’t seem to bother much with undead.

Yaaaas. The Guards in Dazar alor look fancy!

Steal populations? I doubt the popularity of elves would go down.

But the Red eyes definitely made me make a Undead female :heart_eyes:

They look cool!

No, they look strong and proud. And you hardly ever see an orc without good posture anymore, because transmog looks better on them. Every race that has this problem should get the option, so maybe you don’t only see elves and humans running around.

Heh, I actually went ahead and tallied up the number of options each race is getting and if you discount the neutral Pandaren the Forsaken of both genders are indeed coming up in last place with 27 and 28 new additions respectively.

Blizz really does hate the Undead. :cry:

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I want a straw man allied race now

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