Upright undead

C’Mon just do it! You trying to tell me you don’t want an undead mage like these guys?


We had saw upright undeads as guards before.

Yeah still wish we get upright for undeads. Too darkspear trolls!

Since orcs was lucked got upright.

They should let all races be upright tbh

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Amen! Its been asked ages now and it gets ignored.

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think some worgens are first in line. Some who even want tails

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Think it’s also worth saying, if they do let us got upright they need to fix shoulder and cloak scaling. Maybe Chuck in some beards and more ‘corpse’ and skeletal options too. There’s literally a group of skeleton zandalari trolls walking about.

I kinda like the kyphotic gamer spine on undeads, but an upright option would be good .

Just walk backwards

It’s ironic you’d think that since undead players has been asking for this before worgen were even a thing.

I Remember the spine bone being a thing people wanted hidden. But anyway I am not against it.

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Upright undead should be in the game.

It doesn’t matter. The correct answer to him though, should be "go and make another thread*.

and a proper sanlayn race

you mean light forged undead maybe?

the amount of people who play non-humans and yet they want them to look as less monstrous as possible (despite being exactly that is their whole point of existing) is astounding.

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Add beards while u are at it. I want my Forsaken Mage to have a long Merlin beard.

I don’t want this. I don’t expect this. I need this

Nah i want to be undead and i would even go for more bony options like a complete bone arme a bit like the mech options for mechagnomes.

But the hunchback makes undeads look a bit silly. I like everything about the forsaken bit that.
Many sets look stupid especially plate and most of thw nice back things wr got look stupid cause we are hunched over

I keep reading forsaken as foreskin >,>

I think it’s because an upright undead would just look like a fleshless human. :joy:

Chubby undead also.