<Uprising> H Razorgore

Semi-Hardcore Horde Raid Guild Razorgore
BWL 8/8 MC 10/10 Ony 1/1

Uprising was formed out a tight knit raid group who have been playing together and known each other since before classic arrived.

Recruitment open for a geared and experienced:

We are always open to socials although raid spots will not be accessible to you unless required.

Loot rules:
DKP with PvP gear and off-spec being on roll

Raid times and days:
Wednesday / Sunday 10pm ST invites start at 9:30 ST

One of the only late night raiding guilds on the realm.

Feel free to message elay#9507 on discord with any questions and for the application process to apply.

Still opened for new recruits, young and old, crazy and bold !

We are now open for 1x mage to join our raid team

bump it up, Need a mage !

Solid guild

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Updated as we are looking for a rogue !

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