US feedback…

US feedback…

Are you guys really okay with Unholy being able to do more damage than a Frostwyrms Fury, a 3-minute cooldown, every few seconds?

Once again I read nonsense about mathematics.
Throughout Dragonlight, Mr. Taeznak cried that Unholy had a lot of power in CDs and little outside of windows. Now that the developer is looking for ways to change this, Mr. Taeznak is Mr. SimulationCraft has the problem that something is good and something else is bad.
I have a proposal to compare the damage of Army of the Dead 3 min CD vs 3 min CD Frostwyrm’s Fury or Raise Abomination 1.5 min CD to 1.5 min CD Frostwyrm’s Fury.
You don’t need math, just log in and see what is stronger and more effective.
From the player’s point of view, calculation problems are not the player’s problem - the creator should ensure smooth gameplay.
However, I have not encountered any problems even on beta servers, although I note that ms is much higher than on live and the servers are definitely less stable.
As usual, the US forum did not disappoint me. We deal with bullxxx instead of mechanical solutions for our beloved class.

PS. I want to see you use Epidemic on 10-21 mobs every second and burst at least half of the generated wounds on them.
Therefore, calculation lessons (mathematics from simulations) should be left at school and go to reality and change something based on reality.


he lives in a dream were the world align to how he plays UH DK which makes him feel like he is justified that he can dictate how we other DK players should play the spec and how it should be designed, it’s disgusting of him to try to make the excuse that Sudden Doom bursting 1 Festering Wound on the target is the problem.

this is why we can’t have nice things when muppets like him run wild and try to make thing worse instead of providing suggestions to improve or to elevate the spec in a better direction.

Festering Wound being bursted by Sudden Doom is the best thing added to UH DK, not only does it help the rotation flow a little better but it also help us not be strained by the risk of over capping Festering Wounds on the primary target.


Exactly, in general I think it helps a lot in breaking wounds on many targets and while moving, I don’t need DnD+SS for it!!!
This is what we really need! This is something that improves our rotation and damage dealing. This also helps you stack Festermight faster!
If we went further in this direction, we could completely eliminate DnD+SS (for burst aoe) and instead apply wounds, e.g. using Scoruge Strike - i.e. reverse the mechanics.
This will of course still have its problems but much less problematic than it currently is.
There is one problem in the current situation - you can “accidentally” burst the wound at 4 stacks and delay the use of Apocalypse.
However, there is a way around this problem, although it is a waste of time, so there is some frustration, but the benefits of Sudden Doom are much better for us and much greater than this one single situation.

After all, our problem is in fact the application of wounds to multiple targets, but also the bursting of wounds to multiple targets - it is time-consuming and often ends in failure because the tank and the group have to move.

I don’t understand the problem that was posted on the US forum…


in the most recent build this has been resolved, you can now burst any numbers of Festering Wounds 1-4 with Apocalypse and you will still Raise 4 Army of the Dead ghouls regardless.

out of touch players mostly try hards and 1%ers, all i get from those very few players are a narcissistic behavior.


the ones that dont even feel or see how bustedly annoying this class is to play below 21% haste aswell. I’ve mentioned it before but something is fundamentally wrong with our GCD below that haste threshold or something, every gcd has a 0.5 second “lag” delay in the second input after the first


i have played DK in remix as well and at 100% haste and above we also have this odd delay to our skills, for frost Howling Blast seems to have this problem were you have to press it 2 times or delay your press by 1,5 second for it to function.

as for our class when we are below 20% haste, it seems like the class has an animation delay or something that causes the spells to be delayed when used.


Right, I forgot about this change :slight_smile:

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Quite frankly we are so close now to have an amazing time with UH DK, i hope Blizzard will take their time to remove Pestilence and Ruptured Viscera, if those 2 goes away and we get something more interactive then the spec will truly be the best it can ever get.

I’m coping so hard for them to add Necrotic Plague for UH DK. Man why can’t Blizz add it in, i miss this dot so much.

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Really starting to lose respect for some of those theory crafting players. Sudden doom bursting wounds helps so much with the flow of the rotation.

It caused one issue, which they ended up giving us a better solution to than we hoped for (Apocalypse and the 4 wounds fiasco).

Seriously Taeznak, stop running simulations, and start honing in into how things feel like when you play the game. I’m a mythic raider too, I’m absolutely nobody special, but I can get purple and orange parses. I want my class to feel good first, rather than guarantee a mathematical perfection at the cost of having a clunky and boring rotation.

If anything, if there’s one conclusion here from his entry, it’s that there’s something wrong with Frostwyrm’s Fury which there is. This attack doesn’t really fit well at all with the current frost dk toolkit and play style. Once again, it worked well during Legion, but it’s been seeing many issues since. Instead of asking something to be reverted in a different spec, look at what’s wrong with the ability in the spec in question.

Not even sure why we speak about him here, we might as well ping him on the class discord, if you guys use it?


Is this stacking with doomburst pvp talent to pop 3wounds.
Im to lazy to install ptr to try it.

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I have not enabled pvp mode to test it yet but i will assume that will be the case.

But i can see Blizzard tuning Doomburst down to 1 Festering Wound cause Bursting 3 Wounds right after you Burst 4 With Apocalypse can leave some degenerate 1-2 shot burst on the enemy PVP player.

I have now tested Doomburst on Beta, and yes it does make Sudden Doom burst 3 Festering Wounds, it gets quite hectic maintaining Festering Wounds on the enemy target.

That will be main dmg of unholy dc crit+3wounds pop.
No worry about maintaining wounds the more you pop in short time the more trouble healer will have.

indeed, my favorite thing was when mages could reliably ebonbolt you for 3 million in legion, and it was semi spammable, while Sindragosas fury (as it was named back then) also did 3 million burst to players. But that got hotfixed real quick, our damage, not mages.

again i publicly proclaim my hatred and ire to the devs.

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Yeah I remember this attack being dangerous for a short period of time. Even in PvE I remember that every time you pressed it you’d instantly top the meters for a bit. Now it’s just a button you try not to forget pressing every 3 minutes.

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Let’s thank Mr. Taeznak, who, like the developers, probably doesn’t even play the game but creates mathematical equations in the simulator…

If there are no changes to Festering Scythe, Vile Contagion, or elsewhere in the wound mechanics in the next build, not only will we not be able to use at least Festering Scythe effectively, but Festermight will also be difficult to obtain as well.
The damage from wounds leaves a lot to be desired.

In conclusion:
The goals set by the developer himself have still not been achieved.

  • You didn’t make me want to click Festering Strike
  • You didn’t make me want to use Festering Wound (single target and aoe damage is average despite great effort and madness)
  • You didn’t simplify the mechanics while improving the quality of life from using DnD. 4s as aura is a funny joke.
  • and thus you didn’t make me want to click Scoruge Strike in AoE.
  • You didn’t make me have to track less buffs and debuffs. It’s exactly the opposite. You actually forced me to use add-ons even more.

All new talents for Unholy are boring and weak. Decomposition? Foul Infections? Festering Scythe? After another change, Sudden Doom returns to this group (thanks for listening to the opinion of a pseudo-player on the US forum instead of an active player since Wotlk).
We received nothing fresh, nothing new. Even Raise Abomination is old (pvp).


What this talent needs is for the Pet extension to be increased when you put the second talent point in to it, with the change to Commander of the Dead this passive is both strong and weak at the same time, if the second talent point had upped it to 6 seconds when talented 2 points in to it, then Apocalypse and all the Magus/Doomed Bidding would benefit even more from Commander of the Dead.

The massive pain point is our first row for Blood/Frost/Unholy, we still pay the 1 talent point tax unlike other classes, this in of it self needs to be solved.

As for the middle row, we have passives like Pestilence/Ruptured Viscera that are clearly just not good to take.

Ruptured Viscera would be less bad if we had a way to generate Undeads from bursting Festering Wounds, thus it would solve one of the massive glaring issue this passive has, but this will be up to Blizzard to fix, but i do hope they are willing to implement Festering Dead that i suggested on the Beta Forum, this solves a lot of the problem with our Undead cap stone row, as well as it creates more synergi with the talent tree.

One + Blizzard will get from me is that Unholy Blight now is tied to Dark Transformation, this is a really good change.

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