I’ve been using trinkets for some time now, good that it finally has its own thread!
I’d like to first share [Merektha’s Fang], it pumps out green bile, I use it for unholy/pestilent effects!
There’s also [Might of Krosus] who makes you stomp like a warrior’s “Warbreaker” or how its called, with a quick green effect! There’s also [Flame of Battle] for a quick, necrotic powering up kind of effect and also [Ravaged Seed Pod] for glowy green hands and, if people can see it, a patch of unholy/green ground!
I am still searching for more cool effects, preferably unholy ones or such, I’ll post again when I find more 
A neat combo to allow non-rogues (and hunters) access to the stealth animation:
First use this:
Then use this:
And remove the buff that Moroes’ Famous Polish gives you, you’ll have the stealth animation without the Ravenbear visuals for 10 minutes!
Also, in the interest of attracting more good tips to this thread, I’ve added it to the list of Useful Threads: setting, story and roleplay!
I believe this has been changed recently to no longer work. After removing the polish, the ravenbear stuff is still there, sadly.
It can still be used if your character is, for example, using some sort of foliage for camouflage and such (if you ignore the horns), so it’s not entirely useless for RP!
Dartol’s Rod of Transformation.
Be the Furbolg you’ve always wanted to be and scare off all of those sneaky park rangers!
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Bookmarked this thread, thanks for this, very informative 
Got a couple more that might of interest!
Might of Krosus does the same animation as Thunderclap, which is p good even for warriors who don’t rp with Prot.
Gif of it in action: https://media1.giphy.com/media/s3NKMG6p2fPiwLoAYY/giphy.gif?cid=790b76114686b935b88ff009811ad7955e0095749547737a&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g
The other one is the Apparatus of Khaz’goroth, which requires getting 5 stacks of a buff it gives for every melee crit you do, and then gives you a fiery aura that totally isn’t straight out of DBZ. Getting the crits isn’t too difficult for most melee classes but it could be neat if anyone wants the flair.
Gif of it in action:
The Might of Krosus looks really useful for all the melee types. Good one! 
This one transforms you into a wolf, there are different colors for them 
Similar to the Emissary’s Watch, except it does the weapon animation instead of an unarmed animation. Same cooldown.
Found another one that could be useful. When used it does the rogue vanish animation with some smoke effects.
Found a few more that might be of interest!
This one’s from current content, but if you’re willing to go the distance, Soul Igniter creates a blast of flames in front of you.
In use:
Overflowing Ember Mirror is from a quest in Revendreth, but creates a bubble-like shield around that bursts after a while.
Smoldering Titanguard creates a barrier of flames around you, that then erupts in in four directions after a while. (I realized after the fact that this one’s been mentioned above already, oops)
In action:
Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator is a cloth helmet from Gnomeragan that calls down a little lightning bolt, with the Lightning Shield effect after.
Hourglass Sand is also not a trinket but it’s easily collectable from Blackwing Lair and has the same visual effect of Slow Fall. Can only be used on yourself.
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I really wish The Powers That Be would sticky this thread. It’s great!
Keeping this alive, useful thread.
Another resource that is still useful.
I had assumed someone would have mentioned this before but after a brief scroll it doesnt look like it! Azsharas Font of Power makes a really cool looking arcane absorbing effect, complete with animation and pretty purple effects, a bit like Evocation, and its available to all classes afaik!
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I picked up the Shard of Annhylde’s Aegis a few months ago and decided to save it for potential future uses in role-play. I’d imagine it’s mainly for paladins and priests?
I’ve saved it for Sa’haan here as some sort of Light shield if needed.
But figured I’d share it nonetheless!
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