Useless sentries in Rustbolt etc

Remembering how back in the good ol’ days sentries would basically 2 shot anyone that was trying to be annoying and kill you at a “sanctuary” camp or what not, and how now they’re pretty much useless and do barely any damage is sad, i’d get it if a faction formed a big group and wiped every opposing member dead, sure, but seeing 7 players just have their way because guards are being useless is just sad, say what you want but this is just sad.

#neverforget bruisers of Gadgetzan…

Sure. But then also don’t allow bounty hunted players to sit in a guarded zone.


Lol, emmm why?

Bounties aren’t your entitlement. You need to work for it. If a bounty wants to go to the toilet, or grab his dinner or, hell, even just sit annoying people like you then that’s absolutely his right to do so.

Not if guards are changed to make an impregnable sanctuary. They way it is now with guards is ok tho, a bounty can be looted in rustbolt so no prb.

Guards aren’t your entitlement. You need to work to protect yourself, especially as a bounty hunted. Sure, you have the right to go afk or anything, but then don’t expect to stay alive.


Just experienced a bug with them in Rustbolt.

A huntard can use explosive trap on you without triggering the guards. The trap also causes pets to attack the target, again, without triggering the guards.

So if you’re AFK in Rustbolt, which is probably the best place to AFK on Mechagon, a huntard could be getting his Faction Slayer title in a ‘safe zone’ with no repercussions.

In the end he just started outright attacking me since I wasn’t actually AFK but even with 2 guards on his butt, he took little to no damage.

Edit: Some air defence would nice to, since a ranged dps can just sit on top of Rustbolt’s buildings with no retaliation

Just remove guards instead :slight_smile:

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100% THIS ^ :slight_smile:

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