Using sap should break stealth

Its world pvp mate… everyone does that.

Few days ago I killed 40 lvl mage in tanaris 5 times. Then he came with his main dh attacked me.

Also rogue is original stun spec. And should never be nerfed on stun , loss of control effect case.

Give more buffs on this case instead.

No bro, alot of people dont. I dont, alot of people wont attack me if i walk past them while lower level.
Though i figured you would based on your personality of making ‘‘gladiator’’ i470 premades to curbstomp random nongroups in bgs for some weird egotrip.

Then tell me , I dont do dungeons to level up my allied races. I queue bg to level up , and questing while waiting bg queue.

Why am I dying 4 times every 1 hour when leveling my allied races? When I’m 38 level they kill me 1 shot and this happens 4 times every 1 hour.

Rogue should never be nerfed. A lot of people complain their stuns , loc effects. Do you know it was the only original stun spec when wow came out?

Complain about other classes instead.

About this case , I dont know how many times I can repeat , I invite people with exp, 432 ilvl gladiator too. I dont care ilvls. For me exp of pvp important.

My 405 ilvl disc priest friend in my premade makes 8000k+ healing on random bgs with 405 ilvl. Because he has exp.

You repeat stuff again and again.

Ilvl is nothing for me when I invite people to group.

Rogue should never be nerfed. You can give more buffs on stuns instead.

1 is actually half of 16 everybody! We have a math genius here :smile:

Also this post is nowhere near how you interpreted it))

Why authors of every QQ thread always start insulting everyone who disagrees/proves them wrong/has solid arguments?

To OP - blizz doesn’t care about your opinion on the matter of rogue design, sap change will never be reverted. Case closed my dude))

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What solid argument? Blizz not going to revert it? Hell theyre incompetent obv they wont, theyve leaked players for years (and esp pvp interest) for a good reason.

Aside from that nothing you said was an argument, and that post is exactly how i interpret it. You take out your RL issues on low levels, its a good vent for you, own it. Dont hide from it. It is who you are, no need to be shamed of it. Why suddenly pretend to be something youre not because youre not gigling with other rogues about camping people but talking to normal humans?

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