Utility/ranged item slot. wtf?

in the past until the end of cata (i think?) we used to have an extra weapon slot.

rogues warriors and hunters used a ranged weapon.
cloth users had a wand.
shaman/druid/pala had a totem/idol/relic.

i noticed recently that we seem to again have that slot back.

but im not sure what its point is.

rogues and warriors have a ranged weapons, strikers mark (a vanilla MC weapon) with thorium headed arrows as the ammo.

hunters have Rhok’delar, longbow of the ancient keepers. (why not strikers mark, and why a bow when they already have one (at least for 2 of the specs).

clothies have a wand, Touch of chaos. but you cant actually use the shoot ability! (my mages actually had the wand Cold Snap though!)

everyone else seems to have egan’s blaster. if im not mistaken, this was a quest item from EPL.

none of this makes any sense.

  • you cant use the items.
  • you cant unequip them.
  • why some have one type, but others have another? (touch of chaos or cold snap, strikers or Rhok’delar).
  • do the stats actually work? ie. on this rogue strikers mark gives +22 attack power, +1% hit, and is 39.6dps, with the arrows being 17.5dps.
  • why was this done? it seems to add NOTHING to the game. not even flavor cause its misleading and cant be altered. also, a lot of people may not even have noticed this change.

this is either a bug, or was such a waste of dev time :frowning: am i missing something?

It’s an April 1st joke by the DejaCharacterStats addon (if I remember correctly, might be another addon, but it’s an april fool’s joke nevertheless). I suppose the joke is lasting a bit too long.

In other words, the item slot doesn’t exist. It’s an addon showing it only, as a joke.


… … -_-

i really dont know how to respond any further.

all that writing :(.

ty for clarifying.




Imagine using addons… ban all addons imo


good luck with mythic azshara or kil’jaden…!


Yep i smiled when i noticed the same thing with that addon :slight_smile:
As for addons in general me having disablities they help me play at an okya level still diong keys around 15 and entry level mythic raids .

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Imagine using the default UI… ban the default UI.


They are previous exp no luck needed lol??? Dbm fair enough since half the raid mechanics can be so dumb.

But theres addons for literally everything in this game. Its more addon than game these days

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Most addons are QOL but some are really helpful for players who have disablities i mean just look at the guild in BFA all deaf players who got CE addons helped them achive there goal .

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Not to say being deaf is a hard life but i play without volume most the time.

Currently i have helltaker music on loop for everything i do in wow

Damn that tune is good

yet people still stop after avatar in mythic ToS groups? and people aren’t even doing 8.2 or 8.3 raids in normal let alone mythic.

i do agree with your sentiment that there are too many add ons, but this is blizzards fault.

  1. for not considering QoL for so many things. eg i use flo totem for hunter/shaman alts. i dont know about hunters, but i clearly remember that shamans had 4 “stance” icons back in TBC for each school of totem. each stance button opened up into a list of all the totems in that school of magic, and you picked the one you wanted as your current one, and in future you could just press this from the “stance action bar”.

blizz then removed this. so now totems have to be used off your action bars. hence why i like flow totem.

  1. having just too many things we need to keep track of. handy notes/tomcat tours only exist because of the amount of collectibles that exist now and the not so obvious way to find/remember them.

back in TBC/WotLK i had very limited add ons. it was probably something like omen, recount, dbm, lootatlas and a combo point add on. and that was pretty much it. but now i would not be surprised if i had over 150 add ons.

do you think i want this? of course not! why for example, is there not a button to just vendor all trash items? why must we rely on an add on? i know this function is inbuilt in GW2.

im sorry, but blizz just seem to be getting lazy or are really aloof to actual gameplay.

And/or maybe the game engine is too old that such things that are standard in other games just cant be done naturally in wow.

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I had that and palapower and magenuggets :smiley:

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Pallypower was vital or you spent an hour at raid start telling which paladins to buff which classes with which buff… it was tedious! Thank the light for Pallypower :slight_smile:

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I cba to read all that but asmon literally just soloed tos mythic the other night… not my fault people are bad at the game… many people didnt get kj curve because they were bad at the game. I tanked and dpsed it on my dh.

You know, being deaf makes it harder to communicate too. You don’t need the game sounds but colmunicating using voice makes it easier.

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It is comical to ‘have a go’ at Kil’jaedan with an unprepared group. I highly recommend any class that can ping itself back on the platform :stuck_out_tongue:

I see what you did there …

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why does that reply sounds like it has shades of elitism? :thinking:

in the end its like i said, its blizzards fault in their game design for us needing so many add ons these days.