Uuna scenario bugged?

Greetings! I wanted to try something different from playing pvp m+ and raids wqs dailes etc. I wanted to discorver the secrets of WoW so i decided to hunt battle pets. My first attemp was getting uuna . I completed every step and now im stuck in scenario.I failed the scenario and it seems that i cant re do it .I log off with my character progressing the questline , i relogged and the "Dark Tear " doesnt respawn .Same when i exit the game and wait almost an hour . I Restarted my Pc and still i cant see the interactive object . Is it a bug or i have to wait the next day reset or i cant never complete it? :frowning:


Just to confirm, you mean you are exactly at this place

and the Shadow Tear isn’t there?

And you’ve already been in the scenario?

And you’re sure you’re in the right spot?
/way Dragonblight 66.16 74.52

and if you run this macro

/run local a={50098,50099,50100,50101,50102,50103,50104,50105,50106,50107,50108,50109}for i,q in ipairs(a)do print(format("%s: %s",i, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and "\124cFF00FF00Done\124r" or "\124cFFFF0000Not Done\124r")) end

they are all done except the last?

I’ve heard of people having problems with the scenario, but never of anyone not able to get back in.

I’d check all the things there are to check, thoroughly, and then make a ticket explaining exactly the point you’re at. At worst, a GM can fix the problem for you. I just feel we’re both overlooking something; if this was a bug, I’d have heard about it.

I run the macro and it appears me the 12 step is done .According to the wowhead guide the 12th step is the scenario (Shadow of Tear).Macro say is done but i have failed it casue the the at last line of the dialogue i didnt hug her.But ok if engine say is done its done … its a bit frustrating tho

Well, when you summon her from your list of companions, is she bright and glowing?

Will she start the World Tour with you?

For the love of the Titans , she is starting world tour with me and yes she is bright and glow .I guess she wants to start world tour with me . Thx for the macro !!! Best wishes ty ^^


Kalligos, Same problem here. I failed the scenario couldnt hug Uula. Shadow tear is not there anymore. Macro says 12 steps completed, shed is bright and glowing but no action at the gate in Eternal Vale of Blossom. If I hug here she is also not responding. I wonder if you could progress through the world tour after you fail scenario?

Errr … about that …

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