Valdrakken Treasures gold nerf from weekly quest?

Ok, just did the weekly quest on one of my alts, and unstead of the usual, I only got 220 gold in the bag.

This is insane. Another unnecessary undocumented change.

Since Blizzard is too lazy to add the list of changes into the patch notes… does anyone have any experience? For example, does the nerf only apply to lower level characters ot everyone, making the weekly quest basically useless?

Edit: Unfortunately it looks like the gold is gone even for max level characters that have progressed to the sniffy sniff content :frowning:


Yeah, made this quest feel crappy to finish. Lame rewards, might as well not have it.

I didnt get any gold either they removed it and placed that gold in the zaralek cavern weekly. They seem to want us to get minimum ammount of gold this expansion. However its still better in this patch since we have more wq in cavern that can give gold and 2 extra dragon racing quests but they just had to go out of their way to remove the gold from the other weekly sucks

Meanwhile, I’ve never had as much gold as now. I started out with a few hundred k gold and now I’m closer to 2 million.


If you got it from professions or playing AH then thats a whole other thing im talking more about pure gold rewards that they insert in to the game like the 3-4 k gold from paragon rewards, mission tables and the trash in the daily boxes in shadowlands, the 2 k gold korthia weekly boxes in shadowlands things like that then we are far away from those levels still

I’m in the same boat, I’m just getting poorer


You been busy in Goldshire again?

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Indeed, I have made silly amounts of gold this expansion.

It’s really easy with the Region-wide AH. Just takes a little dedication.

I’ve just done the weekly on several chars and then doing gold quests whenever and then signing for call to arms when it’s up and selling the runes.

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