Valkyr - can they make forsaken/undead from other races?

I have question about Valkyr…
So they can’t or they won’t make forsaken from other races ?

like could Tauren be undead and forsaken ? or orc ? because we don’t see forsaken made of other then human and elven races, im curios how would look like forsaken wargen or zandalari troll, and what type of customisation would they have.

i get there is some undead other races, but to be like forsaken there is none where there is community

They can. One of the first quests that Forsaken have in their OG staring zone is waking up new Undead. One of them says he used to be an Orc but doesn’t recognise his arms.

Which he is told that they must have been sewed into his corpse from a human one.

It was never properly addressed visually in game. Same thing was with half elves. They either had human or blood elf model.

And only with TWW they were given more appearance options though still using skeletons of either race.


Worgen are immune to the disease of undeath. All other races can be risen again.


Non-humans were immune to being raised by the val’kyr, which is why the 7th Legion sent only non-humans to fight the Forsaken in Silverpine after learning of their presence.

Our enemies are becoming smarter - adapting to our tactics. Recently an attack was made upon Pyrewood Village, southwest of here. Our troops occupying the town were decimated, of course, but what made the attack especially interesting was the racial composition of the attacking force. No humans were used.

Why that is is never explained, it could be that the val’kyr could only raise humans because both of them descend from vrykul. We know they could only raise worgen as undead because the Lich King empowered them to do so.

Then in BfA they are shown raising night elves and one blood elf.
How they can do that when they previously couldn’t is likewise never expanded on, but it could be that Sylvanas, empowered by the powers of the Maw, empowered the val’kyr in turn through her connection to them.
Valdred Moray was a human and quest objective in Classic, he was killed by an orc who cut off his hands on behalf of Raleigh Andrean.
Undertaker Mordo gave him a pair of new hands.

the thing is which make me wonder since lich king could raise all, and valkyr had some of his “gift” to bestow, why they didnt raise or sylvanas didnt collect bodies of others too apart of worgen then.

now that leads me to ask … are Death knights alive or also undead ? because if they are undead why they can’t have breathing underwater like forsaken ? or be controlled by spells enslaving undead to you for some time ?

It wasn’t a permanent empowerment and with the Lich King gone so too is their ability to raise worgen. Some sources even say the Lich King himself had to raise the worgen.

They are undead, they can’t breathe underwater (Forsaken could breathe underwater longer in Classic, but that has since been removed) and cannot be controlled or affected by any spells that affects undead NPCs because of game mechanics.

yes but the game doesnt consider them as undead because damage vs undead deals dmg to forsaken but not to dks

Quite possibly due to mechanics. Sad as that reason is, for the sake of balance.

However it was fun when you could regularly Lichborne and pump self-healing on yourself through Death Coil at one point in the past.

Because they are a class, not a race. But Forsaken are not affected by spells that deal damage to undead either for game mechanics. They were at one point, but that got changed ages ago.

yes but if you do prologue as dk standard races you can read from quest you were risen from dead(you been killed by scourge and risen by them because you were " hero in life" as quest give state - one you have to kill from your own race) … risen from dead like forsaken … not ressurected.

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