Valor Points - Not getting more than 1600 even though cap is 3200

Am I slow, or is this a bug that affects only me?
I could only get 1600 Valor points this first week of the new patch, while the cap is 3200.
The rest of my friends still received Valor up until 3200 from queuing for Random Twilight dungeons.
Anyone else got this issue?
Please help

you bought something off vendor didnt you ? :slight_smile:

Sure I did!
However, I do not receive any more from random twilight dungeons.
I mean, the total earned is still 1600, even though cap is at 3200.

Do you mean that me buying a piece of gear for Valor stopped me from earning more?
Because that does not make any sense since all my friends bought items and could still earn more.

Wish I could link a screenshot to you so you could see, but in currency tab it reads: “Total: 350. Total Maximum: 1600/3200.”