I’ve finished 1 rdf hc dungeon right on reset after relog i have 0/1600 valor points this week and only 6 random hc rewards so 1440 instead of 1600 valor per week blizzard please help.
Seems quite a few are missing points
Hope they fix it and people don’t loose out
Game is buggy as hell
i have the same issue, i only got 1440/1600 so far this week, and random hc now gives jp instead.
i cant get any valor points doing random heroic dungeons… i am at 0/1600
SAME PROBLEM! PLEASE FIX! I don’t wanna get screwed outa 160 valor cuz Blizzard cant w8 to RE-release a game that CLEARLY wasn’t ready yet!!!
Too many bugs in this version of the game its actually significantly worse of a release than the ORIGINAL release and this is the damn second run… what are yall doing over there for real.
Still nothing from blizzard?
Does anyone know anything?
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