Hello we are a guild that was made since day 1 of wow classic,our gm/raid leader and some officers cleared Naxxramas back in 2006 and many others did the same in private servers.Main goal of the guild is to keep our group of raiders as small as possible while at the same time keeping a high level of performance and dedication.Out of around 70 active alliance guilds and even more on the horde side we cleared bwl day 1(rank 8 for alliance and 11 overall).Its been almost 10 months since the release of wow classic and our priorities have changed quite a bit for example we run only 1 mc run per week since most players dont need anything from there but we still have 2 bwl raids one with main raiders and a second with alts and pugs and we also switched from dkp to loot council as it suits way better our old and well established guild and will give loots way faster to new players who perform well and have passion for the game.We are opening recruitment again,currently accepting all classes!!.
Raid days and times:Wednesday and Sunday 19.00-23.00 st(keep in mind we are not using sunday until the opening of AQ since 1 raid day is more than enough for now)
What we can offer you
1)A stable raiding environment with passionate raiding team.
2)A chance to join former successful raiders and learn about vanilla wow or talk about the old days.We have many players that raided end game in pve(top 50-100 world guilds) and 10+ players with gladiators or even rank 1 titles starting from TBC until even BFA.
3)A chilled atmosphere during raids without flamers or toxic leaders.
4)Big support from the guild bank especially during the start of a new phase,we didnt try speed runs for mc but now with p3 coming out and the roster getting bigger we will try speed runs in bwl and start getting more hardcore as the raids get harder and more fun.
5)Since day 1 of wowclassic our raid team has remained 95% the same that goes to show how stable our guild is and how strong of a core it has.Where many other hardcore or semi hardcore guilds broke or reformed we remain pretty much unchanged and so our pasion for this game.
6)Our second bwl run with alts and pugs is one of the cleanest and fastest pugs on the server(60-70min runs) we cleared bwl since 1st week of release with it and we never stoped since then.
7)And finally a loot council team we hope you will come to know and trust as we will try to be as fair as possible with checking logs/performance,loyalty/attendance of players and finally preparation before raids.We will also have raiders join the loot council during important loot decisions in the ultimate effort to keep things transparent.
Our Requirements:
1)Respect every player in the guild even if know way more about vanilla than someone else u dont have to be a dick about it or make fun of people we were all noobs once.
2)We have no problem with players that have 0 vanilla xp joining the raiding team as long as you are willing to learn we will be there to help as i said previously pve in vanilla is pretty easy in 2019 so if put the effort and you listen to those who ‘‘been there done that’’ you ll be up to date pretty fast.
3)Raiding days and times Wed/Sunday 19.00-23.00 CET/server time
4)Have a decent grasp of the english language at the very least and a working microphone.
Aimed content
- PvE environment Onyxia / MC / BWL/ ZG / AQ20,40 / NAXX
- PvP environment - Premades
- World PvP!!! environment Gankteams / X-roads / Tarren Mill / Events
So basically almost everything there is to do in vanilla wow.
At last i know in the first 2-3 months the hype will be huge and many people will play but the more we get deeper into vanilla many people will quit.Because they will find the game boring or just isnt their thing but this guild will be looking for those who are here to stay for the long run.I’ve been playing wow since i was 14 years old (early vanilla days) and running guilds/raid leading since the start of TBC i know how things work in the game i can tell most of the time who’s a serious raider/person,our main goal is to enjoy the game in both pve and pvp.Of course having a good rank in pve is something most us want but we will never ask you for extreme things to do,as i said above our main goal is to create a group of people that enjoy playing together.
Contact Rayleigh#2200 in bnet or in discord Rayleigh#5782
Our Server (Golemagg pvp) is open for transfer once again