Vanilla Remix?

They simple we not do it as tier 3 atm is a very good gold sink in retail via BMAH and crafting and they would not bring in easy access to that :slight_smile:

BMAH doesnt count, as it rules out 99% of the player base, also there is definietly more than 10 classic items missing from retail. Besides, MoP remix also introduced a bunch of previously unused models and recolors, maybe they have some unused stuff from vanilla, that could finally make it into the game through a remix event.

They recently brought back over 2000 items they removed during cata in a patch in retail.

they could but do you not think they would have started with vanilla remix first? :thinking:

No, because not everyone is equally fond of vanilla, and the first remix was clearly a test run, to see how people liked the idea, and the best way to do that, would be to do it in a beloved expansion, and while not everyone agrees, the majority will agree that MoP was one of the best expansions we ever had.
That, and people who are itching for re-experiencing vanilla in some form had plenty of chances with all the classic modes we have, meanwhile MoP has been untouched for a decade.

True but after this reply i am done, they have all the assets in place for a remix already with the things they added in SoM and SoD . SoD is basically a version of remix already look at the game play, priest tanks and mage healers you get the idea.

Now if you want a classic remix more power to you but there is many options out there to cure the classic itch already.

It isnt really though. Remix is a retail event, people play it for retail rewards. SoD doesnt offer any retail rewards.

whatever :slight_smile: like i said i am done you are arguing for arguing sake now, you do you.

yes but remix is not classic ? It is going back to do vanilla content the same way it has been done in mop Remix completley different to classic

To play devil’s advocate, they could add new mogs/mounts as they have done in remix.
Maybe some HD versions of the old sets, I would so love that.
Still, anything before Cata is meh on my remix interest.


I want a shot at tier 3 dreadnaught and my argent dawn tabard baby i hope they do it !

mop remix did not add the old vale or the legendary questline to the game. it was the retail version of mists + old systems. Very much doubt that it is going to happen. Perhaps TBC.

I think they will do it vanilla has a lot of sought after items in it that can be obtained by playing the content they put out.

Im sure it would be very popular i would also like a remix of TBC and any other expansions wow has released all the way up to BFA

Unless there is some reward that I can’t live without, I’ll not take part in any future remix mode. I’d probably take part in another plunderstorm type event though.

If your hope for BFA remix is AH mount, hate to break it to you, ain’t happening, same with Remix Pandaria, the paid Transmog mount, wasn’t there in the vendor, and that’s only like 120k? ish, the AH mount ain’t happening.

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I would love to a Vanilla Remix but only if the Old World remains in Retail after the event. I would love to go back to the Old World as it was at the end of WOTLK with my Retail character and complete any quest chain I wasn’t able to complete back in the day (some of them are not available in Classic, because the Old World had TBC and WOTLK content that was removed too).

Anyway, MOP Remix hasn’t include restoration of any removed content like the original vale or the legendary questline so I doubt they will restore the Old World for a new Remix. At most they will pick another expansion and do its remix version with exactly everything that is still in Retail.

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Yeah same here i would love to do vanilla Naxx on my ret paladin and play through the vanilla stuff with modern gameplay sprinkle on top vanilla i like to call it.

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If they wanted to, they could.


Nah, Shadowlands remix is where it’ll really be gold.

-Said no one ever.

Not sure where you got that from me joking about

Maybe. Yes. Why not.

I would hope they would update the ‘never released’ gear then though. Going back that far; the graphical quality of stuff is horrendous. I can live with low polygon counts, but at least up the textures.

I personally would rather see the unreleased stuff from WoD, Legion or BfA and such.

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