Vanilla UI Issue

hi there,
I have an issue with the UI.
Since i am playing again was was happy to configure the most of my needs with the standard config within the game.
for a couple of weeks while leveling i have had two unitframes.
but now i am going to use some group and raid assistence and i cant move this unitframe around. its only my own frame, it shows proccs, debuffs and stuff. but its not configuratable or moveable.

it will appear in combat and disappear a couple of seconds after going out of combat.

anyone know this behaviour and can help me getting rid of it?

Thanks in advance

Sounds like the Personal Resource Display. You can turn it off in the game options > combat.

If that doesn’t do it. Type /fstack mouseover it and get the name for us.

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that was the solution, thanks a lot mate!

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