Vanish / stealth macro

Ok simple question is there a macro that will vanish if in combat and stealth if out of combat? I have tried to make one but i keep stuffing it up and cant seem to locate one.

Much appreciated for any and all help.

Also outlaw is super fun :slight_smile:

Does this work?

/cast [combat] Vanish; Stealth

You my freind a legend.

Guys girls trolls undead and everything in between.

This man. Is legend.

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Haha, sounds like it’s working. Glad to hear it!

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Whats made me laugh as i am that mature is this is a hunter asking and a warrior answering. Hahaha

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Lol the only thing that matters is we’re both Horde.


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Ya mooon !

I consider this an unfair conditional combat enhancing macro saving you a button press.

nerf plx blizzard

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