Vault is buggy for Delves

Wow support get worse as it looks like wow team trying to increase distance between player on support team. In other word it trying to make harder for players to explain an issue visually.

I looks like It doesn’t allow to upload images. Why? To make you support team to work harder? or just dont’t?

Lets get to point.

I do always Delves bounty on Tier 8, but for some reason Vault for third item shows Revard only Tier 1. The point is is no matter how many you do Delves Bounty on Tier 8 you always going to get Tier 1 Reward vault.

This a reason I give to play WoW as it doesn’t reward player for effort they put on game and time.

How support team works and how game development works it says how they build forum.

Support forum is not build to listen feedback is built only show what we care but actually they don’t

I believe a full Delve vault is 8 Tier 8’s?

On to the actual matter, your thread placement. I know you do not seem to like their support team, but you are in better hands creating a topic in the right section of the forum, as they are even less likely to look in realm forums for bug reports and feedback. You can also post screenshots in your threads if they are hosted on a third party site.

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Yeah, you just posted this somewhere you’re almost guaranteed it’ll never be seen by anyone who can help.

If you’re just here to vent, fine, but it won’t do you any good.


You’re in the wrong forum, but you also haven’t quite got to grips with how the delve line of rewards from the Great Vault actually works.

It’s not just for delves, but also for world quests and a bunch of other world-based activities. The algorithm takes the lowest of the top 2, 4 or 8 for each of the three slots respectively.

If you do 8 x T8 delves, the 3rd slot will be set to 616, working as intended. 4 x T8 for the middle slot. 2 x T8 for the first slot.

You clearly didn’t do 8 x T8 and so the algorithm went with the lowest of the top 8 of your activities, which was 1.

It’s not buggy.


general discussion is leaking again, ew.

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