Vault is useless?

Today, I logged in, expecting to be rewarded for my efforts in M+. I opened my vault. I saw the item I needed. And then I realized, I couldn’t upgrade it.

Seems like seasonal gear remains seasonal… Again. As if this haven’t been seen before.o, let me get this straight; I grind dungeons, push keys, perfect my route, optimize my performance, all while playing in groups where half the people can’t even find their interrupt key… and for what? For an outdated piece of loot that’s as useless as a Ret Paladin in PvP?
Do those who do this actually play the game? Have they ever felt the emotional devastation of seeing a piece of gear they can’t upgrade? Do they even KNOW what it’s like to queue into a dungeon just to have a DH jump off a ledge and pull three extra packs? Because I do. And I suffer for it. And I am sick of suffering.

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Yes… ?

That’s how seasonal stuff works.

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Dude, I know this is the cringiest response ever, but it matches the post.

You need to touch some grass, mate.

It’s over. The season is finished. You missed the bus that left on time. It doesn’t matter how much you were preparing to dress up and take a shower. It’s gone.

On another hand, the first +7 you will do will drop an item which will eclipse your current one, so look forward to that instead.


Another ont that needs to put the game off.

If you feel you playing it causes you to suffer… walk away

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Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering…


I agree it’s a bit silly to have a useless vault moving into a new season, I think that needs to be changed but hey at least you get 3k gold :man_shrugging:

Lok’tar Ogar

Do Season 1 content to get Season 1 Vault items. What’s not to understand about that? It always worked like that. New season hits and your upgrade stones become unusable. Been like that since the system was introduced in Dragonflight.

I think it is a bit silly. The new season starts next week. We still can get KSM/KSH and curves and whatever s1 achievement this week. Not that i care, i take the tokens for gold from the vault.

You may say this but what you forget is - season 1 is not over yet!

And I did what nobody else here seems to be afraid off - I actually called blizzard to see if this is a misstake or not. And the one I spoke to said that they are not responsible for how the transition from content to content work. This did not answer my question though.
My question was simple “Why cant I upgrade season 1 items if we are still in season 1 and season 2 has not begun yet?” - and eventually she said that she does not actually have an answer for this question - but you work at Blizzard… so how can you not know the answer to my question?

There’s a topic on this subject on the US forum with a Blue response, in case you are interested.

Nah, still handy for transmogs I’m missing… :stuck_out_tongue:

First of all, I have no clue why you are mentioning transmogs, because you seem to play a race that doesnt fit with any transmog.

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Windows key>power>shut down

Go outside. Jesus Christ. It’s just a game.

You may say this - but you have no evidence for your claims.

For instance, if you look at the simulation theory, you will see that the fundamental question of what is “real” collapses under its own weight. If all reality is simply a construct, then what difference is there between the so-called “real world” and the digital one? You assume that stepping away from the game and walking outside grants you some higher form of existence, one of clarity, purpose, or meaning. But this assumption is based on nothing but conditioned thought.

You say, “go outside.” But outside where? Into a world dictated by the same mechanical patterns, the same illusions of significance? A world where people live on autopilot, following routines that were never truly theirs to begin with? At least in-game, there is a clear objective, a test of skill, a metric of progress. Out there? Just noise. People walking in circles, pretending they understand their own actions when in truth, they are simply reacting, programmed by their past, by their fears, by a society that tells them what to value without them ever questioning it.

And this is the difference that you fail to see. You assume that by shutting down my PC, I step into something greater. But what if it is the other way around?
What if it is outside where people are truly trapped in expectations, in societal constructs, in the mindless pursuit of things they never questioned?

So, tell me, when you say, “It’s just a game,” are you speaking from true understanding? Or are you, like most, simply repeating what you have been told, without ever truly observing?

How dare you sir!

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I mean, outside it’s spring. There’s sunshine, and happy birds, and ducklings (yes I squealed)… the grass is still a bit wet here so maybe touch a bench instead of that. Better than suffering in a game :wink:

Season 2 comes next week, you will get better greens/blues from the new content.

Spring ain’t till next month :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m in denial. The sun is shining (for me at least), the trees have buds, fluffy ugly lil birds around… my inner calendar says spring! (And I’m thoroughly done with winter :smile: )

Right, “touch grass,” “go outside,” “the sun is shining”… the eternal refrain of those who believe that reality is a singular, objective experience, and that their reality is the only one worth acknowledging. But what is this “outside” you speak of? A place? A state of being? A concept you use as a contrast to what you perceive as suffering within a game?

You assume that I suffer, but suffering is not in the game itself, nor in the actions performed within it. Suffering arises when one resists what is, when one clings to an expectation that does not align with reality. If you believe that I am in pain, that I am tormented by a simple design choice, then you have projected your own misunderstanding onto me.

And yet, you speak of ducklings and wet grass as if these things exist in a plane above. What I speak of, as if the game is lesser, as if my engagement here is somehow a failure to see. But do you not realize that your words reveal more about you than they do about me? The moment you feel the need to tell someone to “go outside,” you betray the assumption that they do not already exist in both worlds at once.

As for the new season and its ever-promised upgrades, what is an item if not a fleeting illusion? One week it is a prize, the next it is discarded for something greater. And yet you tell me to wait, to simply accept the cycle, to move forward unquestioningly, as if that itself is meaning. But tell me; when you obtain these “better greens and blues,” what will you say then? Will you be satisfied? Or will you, too, look upon the next cycle and wonder if you ever truly progressed at all?