Vault rewarding wrong ilvl loot

Has anyone else encountered this bug? I played some 2s on my alt sham on duelist + rating and then decided to win 1 rbg where im low cr, ( 1550 aka combatant II rank ) and after having played the rbg the items in my future vault changed from duelist down to combatant and i cant get it to become duelist again even though i went back and won in 2v2. Can’t wait to get a 1400 item when im almost full 2.1 gear :slight_smile:


Not yet, but the whole Patch is bugged.

Unranked, Combatant, Challenger, Rival, Duelist
Unranked, Combatant I, Combatant II, Challenger I, Challenger II
Soooo they probably just had Duelist prior to the changes as #5 and didn’t update it to account for new ranks

It’s not bug, you didn’t win all the games above x rating (that happens if you win rbg below you rating 1 win and you expect the value from arena from 1 win)

Check the image again.
3 wins - 1 loss in 2v2s this week.

Yeah i reckon that could be it, but not sure how i can get combatant reward on duelist rank however, on my other alt which is rival im getting combatant also >.<

A) It’s either a bug
B) You need to win all the games (whilst capping on the rating you wish to receive, which does not make sense but blizzunaward so nothing makes sense xd)

Ye same here, played some duelist 2v2 on my alt, farmed out the rest of the weekly vault with some low cr 3s+rbg and it says I’m getting Rival loot next week. x)
I’d assume it’s a bug, so now we only gotta to wait for the 1 guy who is left in charge of PvP to fix it. :upside_down_face:

Nah, that can’t be it.
On my alt my vault says Rival II, eventhough I won 2v2 on 2200cr, so I should be getting duelist.

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You need to win the equivalent of honor needed AT THE RATING YOU WANT THE GEAR FROM it feels like.

Not one game. I think that is a 9.1.5 change. Hurray. Or a new bug, who knows.

But… maybe it is simply a bug because I have a char on which I’m confident I got more than 1250 honor above Elite and it is Challenger 2 which is my RBG rating. Weird thing.

But such a change would actually be in line with the change to PvP upgrades. A bad change imo.

You play more arenas than me.
Go test it for youtube purposes. - I’ll give you a like if you do.

I have a Rogue with 15 wins this week at 2650 rating so that should have given me an Elite chest, but it remained Challenger 2 even after all those games.

But as I said I assumed we needed to win every game because I had a Challenger 2 chest after having done a few games and one RBG. Then I remembered it didn’t change. I actually thought I had done less game when I started typing then I looked.

Same here. 3 wins this week above 2.4k but the cap shows challenger II.

Also they should have probably mentioned it somewhere if this was intended change.

Must be a bug.

On my warlock I have Rival II reward, but I won most of my games in the Rival I bracket.

Its a Bug for sure

I think I figured it out.

I played my alt warlock at Rival II in 2s. A couple wins nothing more and capped rest in RBGs just like on my main. The cap didn’t downgrade in this case and I think I figured out why.

  • On my hunter I got a new rank in RBG from one of the wins and since its higher in that bracket it somehow overwrites my vault.

  • On my alt warlock I didn’t get new rank in RBG while capping so my vault didn’t get overridden.

So the game “upgrades” my vault for the new highest of that bracket without checking the other brackets. This might need some more testing but pretty sure this is the reason.

Nah idk ive upgraded my ranks in several brackets on other chars. The only time where it works is if u only played 1 bracket and nothing else.

Aaand Vault gives wrong rewards on NA, not a visual bug. Who would have guessed :slight_smile:

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