VDH is completely CRACKED in 10.2

If they don’t change anything until 10.2 release you will be looking at a stupidly good tank. I aint claiming to be no DH player, but the amount of damage this tank does is ABSURD, like ABSURD. Decent enough defensives and good utility, but the damage is retarded. I don’t know, but I feel a tank should not be able to sustain 300k on 5 targets.

Hey, thanks for reaching out one of the most unpopular class Forum in the game and for letting us now how upset and how unsatisfied u are about the time VDH community and blizzard have invested in the rework of our favourite class.

As an active player since TBC and VDH only player since Legion I should tell u that our class (*speaking about only tank role) had always Ups and Downs but almost never was tier S tank during a season (SLs1 was an exception due to kite possibility and undertuned tank sustain and mitigation on every other classes).

Right now VDH is on ptr is in kinda tricky situation. Yes - u ll be able to sustain 300k but on 5 only dummie targets and only with full 10.2 bis gear. In fact u ll be not able to sustain 300k on 5 real targets during m+ run. VDH has right now a lot of utility buttons - and a lot of dps posibilities - but these buttons are not communicating with each other - it means that if u want to play full DPS rotation - u should sacrifice group utility and damage mititgation buttons. If u want to play full utility and be very tanky - u should sacrifice ur DPS rotation. Neverthless our openings is in both cases very rough - and our dps will be extremely high in low keys cause packs will die very fast. Speaking about 1m pulls - VDH will show standart DPS performance.
From my personal feelings - Blizzard always wanted to make something like that for VDH - now they are very close to it but still too far away and we will see for sure tons of new tunings - buffs and ofc nerfs.
In fact - playing full dps rotation will not be possible on very high keys. We will have to play utility + damage mitigation. In this case our dps will be around 200k on 5 dummies and about 150k in real fight - with full 10.2 bis gear that u should get first of all - at start of the season - VDH will be squishy and will not be able to get tier S rank - at the end of the season - if we will not get tons of nerfs and tunings - we have very high chances to be tier s tank :slight_smile:

Best Regards


Did you also go to other tank spec forums the moment they became S Tier?

I just played this tank spec since this season, and I always heard from people that VDH needed a dmg boost, apparently now they will and it upset you?

I am not sure if they are S tier or (if so) will remain, but I just play it since I like the gameplay. Haven’t checked the talent changes, I am never checking my damage, but I see I hardly die which is more important for me as a tank.

Just chill, they’ll probably make Guardians meta again, all good! :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone has to be the best, it will always be like that, this time it’s VDH, is it too strong compared to other Tanks? yes ofc, if it stays like this no one will play anything else in higher keys, but it will probably get adjusted a bit here and there over time, the dps coming out of a VDH is pretty absurd, I do agree with that, but I doubt it’ll stay like that forever.

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