[VDH] LF M+ and Guild S2

Haya! Rookie Tank is looking for a group for Season 2.

In Season 1, i was mostly playing as a healer and did 2.6k RIO and AOTC on different characters. So i get used to M+ environment and have a good understanding about how things can go wrong on a healer side:D

Wanna switch role for next season and planning to play as VDH. Started couple of days ago and geared up to 615 ilvl and closed all +4. Planning to play as a tank till the end of the current season and Season 2 .

If you dont mind spent some time in +8 keys, while im still learning, here’s my contacts:

  • Battle Tag: Puglifes#2403
  • Discord: healtimer

Im also looking for a guild:)