I am writing this post, because mayor issue isn’t yet on the known issues pre-patch.
Long story short: Vehicle scaling is way off. Since the new patch I encountered:
Damage when on vehicle, or controlling a quest NPC with vehicle mechanics, is super low. Example Ravencrest Legacy where I 170 damage on 400k mobs.
Damage received is off the charts. Same example, mobs 1-2 shot me.
After a quick scan of the forums I notived I am not the only one. In every individual post people are:
Doing a quest where you control a Npc. Example: Hightauren lorequest where you control the Chieftain. My example. Deathknight startingzone quest.
Doing an activity where you control a vehicle. Example: Assault on Aszuna, destroying Legion beacon when riding dragon.
-PVP where vehicles are involved.
If anyone else also experience this please reply on this post. I would like to see this scaling issue acknowledged on the knoen bug issue list.
Same issue.
This stops me from completing the DK starting zone quests, particularly “An End To All Things…”
I just dont understand how can you as a giant company owned by Microsoft push updates without having a system that can check repercussions. I mean, I work on IT in a much more smaller company and we would never fail so hard at doing our job…
You guys need to let go a lot of employees on your company…
Same here, Currently doing loremaster for Pandaria and the Broken Dreams quest is bugged. Chen takes far too much damage and deals none, when you die the elite spawns outside of the memory and you have to kill it. It’s impossible to do.
Same here any vehicle or NPC control based quests are completely out of whack in terms of scaling, seems in the tweaks to say our stats for TWW they have accidentally hit a variable that cascaded to all things we associate with through interaction.
Trickle down effect is all quests involving not just killing standard mobs or picking things up are very sketchy and most are unable to be completed gamewide.
DK area can be completed if you are able to group up with people. I was also hoping they would fix it in last hotfix… Guess we have to be patient. Would be nice if we at least get a confirmation from Blizzard that they ae aware of the bug.