Vengeance issues


I wanted to add some input about DH.

Havoc feels pretty good right now, yes not as fun as in Legion but not in comparison to the majority of pruning others received! The only Gripes I have with Havoc is not being able to reduce the CD of Eye Beam as the azerite trait that does makes it impossible to know where your orbs are to collect and how many there are and also a pain in combat. The AOE Stun needed to be talented to reduce the cost is a little frustrating as I like to go with a single tgt stun also. I would rather this be a reduction in CD and having the AOE as 1 minute and talented 45 seconds. Both being free!

Into Vengeance I really enjoy the mythic plus scene and like most of us we do Pug keys, I am nothing special approximately 1.5k rating currently as tank, I find it hard it starts to get really tough past 15 keys in the pug worlds. Communication is vital and that isn’t the pug world.

I am hoping that the new azerite traits will help us. but i don’t think it will as we are lacking mitigation outside of demon spikes. I do not want a 3rd charge of Demon Spike and have 100% uptime as then I feel like i am playing my BRM but with less to due to purify stagger.

I would like to see a small return of the Legion DH

Meta needs a buff, in Legion that was when we became indestructible and was a good “oh no button” and also when dying and triggering felt like a second life.

Today Meta is to weak and considering there is no way of reducing its CD it feels underwhelming.

I would like the 100% increased health and additional leech.

I would really like to see Gluttony be base line, so its about rotainionally managing demonspikes in and out of Meta. Currently this procs once per minutes but with Spirit bomb combined maybe every 45 seconds

it would also be good to see a change in Soul barrier, so it not longer consumes soles. I would rather see it with a buff and remove this increase we can get. currently this talent isnt so great even when used at 5 charges as it lasts like 2 seconds in a mythic plus 15 key.

I am also wondering about the new azerite traits that grants soul barrier after 40 souls are consumed. if you stack 3 of these do you get 3 soul barriers? also this would be as the base today where the barrier is a small amount unless buffed by souls. making it not to great! I think I would rather have this removed also so when 40 are spent and make it proc based.

I am not to sure on what is needed for the DH tank, it feels good until certain difficulty levels but then its hard to progress, Even Shakib has rerolled to Havoc due to it not being capable at high level!

No matter what happens you need to fix the bug with our souls. Currently they are all bugging over the place.

I can immolation aura in a pack of 10 adds and have no souls. I then fracture once and it bugs to 7. Make it a buff instead so they don’t get lost in walls and stuff and just keep the animation. it would also be nice to stock pile 8! rather than 5. and for some reason, they disappear whilst I am fighting and with little movement so I am not consuming myse.f for example.

I will fracture and have 2 souls. I wait for fracture to come of CD so I can go to 4, in that GCD I will jump in air and back down to add the sigil and boom. I lost the 1st 2, however animation is they are far away. = please please fix this frustration!

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