<Vengeance> Situation and what you should know in 2022


For everyone who’s wondering, this topic should bring you some information that I wanted to share from some time now. It’s about all questions you may have regarding Vengeance guild in General. Since I’m the only Veteran left I should brief you on this:

  1. What I know.
    Guild was found in 2019 on Hydraxian Waterlords (Classic Era) Day Launch. We used to have discord and we did some classic dungeons in Azeroth. For me it was my first guild and still is until this day which I’m proud of. I met a lot of friends in a short time (mostly casual players with jobs and families with RP style but also veterans from 2004). I was guild tank as Paladin for quite some time before lvl60. Sadly, after Covid situation - I lost contact with almost everyone and I couldn’t play the game either.

  2. Present Day.
    The information in guild indicates last activity within 2 years and several players within few months. When I came back (recently) to play TBC content I discovered that I’m still in guild but our numbers dropped from high to barely 40. I suspect that some players may have transferred to another server in the meantime. The Guild Master (which I’m familiar with) still holds the crown but our Guild Bank is closed, even for me.

  3. What I wish.
    With Wrath expansion coming ahead, I still hope to see GM online so he can re-open bank and the guild can get another chance. Invitations remains open, since I’m still able to invite players. We’re mostly adults, chill and casual players with any lvl/skill. :slight_smile:

If you are interested in restoring the guild or have any questions, please let me know in game.


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Maybe you already know this, but I thought I’d mention it anyway, for anyone in the same situation.
If a guild master is inactive for more than 3 months you can “dethrone” the GM and take control of the guild, provided that you are a high enough member in succession.
It’s super easy to “rethrone” the GM if the GM returns, so it’s not so much of a takeover as it is fixing the guild in the GM’s absence. :slight_smile:

copy-pasted from Blizzard:
WoW Classic and Burning Crusade Classic

To dethrone your Guild Master:

  1. Open the Social pane (default shortcut is O)
  2. Click on the Guild tab
  3. The https://a.slack-edge.com/production-standard-emoji-assets/13.0/google-medium/26a0-fe0f.png Dethrone button will appear at the bottom left of the pane

If you don’t see the option to dethrone, it means the Guild Master is active, you don’t have a high enough rank to claim the leadership, or an active guild member outranks you and is next in succession before you.

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Thanks for reply. I appreciate this and I wanted to update my post but you were faster. :slight_smile:

So…yes, situation has changed since this topic was created and I noticed “dethrone” button few days ago (this option was not available to me when I returned to Hydraxian in July). I hesitated at first because of personal reasons but now I can confirm that guild is fully under my control and will be available for more players if they wish to join. There will be annoucement, right now I’m setting up the ranks and trying to buy Guild Vault Space because there wasn’t any at all. I look forward to expand original guild from HW.

Post Update: After some time, I managed to buy 3 Guild Vault Tabs for total amount of 850g from daily quests money reward. If everything goes well, next week I will post some new information.


Post update: Due to my personal life and struggles I have to delay any new information about the guild for another week at least. I wish I had good news but right now all I can think of is how to stay in game for another months. After covid-19 crysis I lost my job and I’ve been looking desperately for a new one lately. Now I’m runing out of time again and trying to think of something to play secondary expansion.

Next week I should get some answers because I recived a bit of support from my friends and possible new offer. If you’re all interested, there’s also my channel on Youtube, that I’ve created recently, to share some videos from Hydraxian Waterlords in general (Aridea_HW). Which means, I’ve been very busy on doing content but it’s the least I could do from here and have some fun meanwhile. I’m not looking for a fame, just sharing the moments from my life. Hope to see you again! :slight_smile:

More information soon.

Post Update: Invitations will be opened with upcoming Wrath of The Lich King expansion. I’m pleased to say that I’m staying and despite all obstacles I wish to rebuild this guild from its demise. If you’re kind, noble and friendly person consider joining my efforts in future. Official annoucement soon.



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