Vengeance solution for M+

Mark my words.

Everything Vengeance Demon hunters need to be viable in M+ is Chaos nova…(small AoE dmg, 2s stun, each enemy stunned by Chaos Nova has a 30% chance to generate a Lesser Soul Fragment.)

Blizzard, you’re welcome.

Na, we don’t need a aoe stun, you have aoe fear and other utility

Lose pain, make soulfrqgments the only and main resource. Stabilize gain, make demon spikes cost 1 fragment and remove cooldown from it.

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Yeah, the pain resource needs to be removed. It’s so insignificant compared to soul fragments. It feels like 1 game designer started with the VDH design, quit half way through, and then some other game designer stepped in and added a bunch of other stuff without looking at the whole system.

Only thing DH needs is longer up time on DS. Just add it into the mastery, every 20 pain redcues it 1 second. The same way wars shield block gets reduced, and paladin SoTr gets reduced by normal rotation skills.

Pally and prot maintain 20k armour fairly easy, DH have big stinking gaps where they go to 5k armour lol. Even then pally get shields every time they throw shield, reduced damage for anything in consecration, and reduced damage per mob near by. Wars get even more then that lol.

I really dont know what was going through devs head with DH. Im guessing it went like this. Hey guys DH get a bit of mobility! Lets give them disgusting defensives and decent utility as a trade off! When in theory wars have better movement with dash and leap lol.

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