i am testing my dps on an Animated Duelist dummy in Valdraken now and notice that when i cast vengeful retreat and fellblade right after, it does not charge me to the target, is this a known bug?
In the combat log i get the damage from felblade but the animation does not kick in, so instead vengeful retreat all the way back. If i let the vengful retreat go for 1 sec and then felblade it works, but i want to do it much faster.
u have to wait a bit in order to get the felblade gapclose, if you are still coming back-up on the retreat animation you won’t felblade onwards, if you are already going down in the animation it will do the gapclose
No minimum range on the ability but there’s a minimum range for it to do the charge animation. The felblade damage hits but it will not charge you to the target as it registers during the retreat that you are on top of the target Just gotta wait a beat for the retreat to land then use it rather than “queue” the spell.