Venrukis commentary on arms warrior

Hilarious how predictable forums are. ‘Bring back Arms, it takes skill unlike mongo Fury!’


Kinda funny how you “predicted” i will make a thread about warriors eventually (i mean, why would i? If they’re broken then calling it out is one way to handle it :man_shrugging: ) crying about them being op and now here you are telling people what they have on top of their damage. :joy:

Not that i disagree, i just find it funny.

Hey man I got nothing against you I just find it always funny that its every season the same stuff. You get a big hit, post details & a forum post about it. :thinking:

Saying that Arms is squishy is just wrong. Whats an Assa Rogue then? Or worst case, Mages? Plate + permanent Defensive Stance is not squishy, its just not as extremely durable as other specs like Warlock or DK vs casters.

But it’ll change with 24th January anyway. Ignore Pain is really unhealthy for the Game on a class like Warrior because they got among the best defensives with their straight up % reduces making them tanky even in dampening.

Unironically a skill issue

The warrior used avatar as an opener, what else do you need to realize he is about to unleash his full burst? When I don’t trinket a rogue stun or use a defensive CD against a hunter burst I also drop dead within few seconds


thats good

Then it’s a l2p issue of not knowing your opponents spells.

Lmao a literal demon hunter complaining about class balance.

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he is trolling

Cause DH is the only class thats imbalanced lmao

Sick fotming btw, youre not even 70 on Forums yet :slight_smile:

Isnt the guy who rides RM all the time and always tries to downplay how OP RMP in tournaments? I dont think he is unbiased to give opinions about other classes

Well, why not? In the end it mostly doesn’t change anything. It’s also not like i am the only one doing that. :man_shrugging: Also it’s a nice way to spend time when i am bored during work. :joy:

Same though. Things that happened happened way too long ago.

So he ports the stun, the warrior goes HUR HUR HURRR and does that orc woddle over to him and then proceeds to do spear of bastion

Well it is ofc because forums, and places where you publicly voice your opinion, tend to be pessimistic oriented.

It’s not the same people that are for or against X spec whenever it’s a topic at hand for either side.

Maybe, but the average warrior player is a keyboard hero, so it’s fine if they have trouble to carry their weapon and should therefore be nerfed down to T tier, not buffed to S tier.

I’ve been level 70 since like second day of the expansion actually.
Try harder next time before you make yourself look stupid. :clown_face:

Arms in the most broken state was still more enjoyable to face than fury with the infinite charges, permanent 40% ms and 2 button rotation. Mongo fury can stay as a pure PvE spec while being completely unviable in PvP, as it should be. It should be nerfed even more. Fury should not have an MS effect at all and that broken selfheal

and look, now we have arms warrior with infinite charges, permanent 25% MS and low cd 50% MS, and 2 button rotation, that might end up being tankier than fury by next patch


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You obviously didn’t play against any good Arms Warriors, then.

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i mean he isn’t wrong, u warrior or other melee class players who complain about locks, shaman dmg and whatever else… the issue is skill, ur not good at the game… it is extremely easy to climb rating in solo shuffle as a melee… ur prob in lobbys u don’t belong in and it is showing so u complain about ur class not being good,

even with locks, portal, gate, still can’t outkite a warrior despite being a caster… can’t outdmg a warrior either… insane burst, and ignore pain… i mean cmone bro this class is made for disabled people lmfao

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like… almost all streamers with big audience. pop corn for plebs. nothing new, huh?

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