Verbal abuse by Blizz employee is oke? But

can we just go back to the time slight bants like this didn’t cause snowflakes to seethe and outrage? i say worse things on a daily basis :clown_face:


This is true but I need :dark_sunglasses: to read your name :wink:

I honestly don’t give a hoot about Asmongold, his viewers, or whatever games he plays and what he says and thinks. I couldn’t care less.

I do care a lot about Blizzard and the games they make, the employees that work on them, and how they communicate, conduct and present themselves.

Why? Because it all adds up to what Blizzard stands for and what you’re buying into as a Blizzard fan.

Blizzard even outlies it themselves:

Play Nice; Play Fair

In our business first impressions are important – but lasting impressions are everything. We strive to maintain a high level of respect and integrity in all interactions with our players, colleagues, and business partners. The conduct of each Blizzard Entertainment employee, whether online or offline, can reflect on the entire company.

Every Voice Matters

Great ideas can come from anywhere. Blizzard Entertainment is what it is today because of the voices of our players and of each member of the company. Every employee is encouraged to speak up, listen, be respectful of other opinions, and embrace criticism as just another avenue for great ideas.

Lead Responsibly

Our products and practices can affect not only our employees and players – but the industry at large. As one of the world’s leading game companies, we’re committed to making ethical decisions, always keeping our players in mind, and setting a strong example of professionalism and excellence at all times.

About - Blizzard Entertainment

I mean, hell yeah, I can really get behind those values! That’s the kind of company that I want to support.

So it doesn’t really result in a round of applause when the company then has an employee who off-handedly calls a customer an ***hole. Like, what happened to the values?!


Company with values(like FF’s company) would’ve solved the Asmon issue so long ago with how many times he’s levied harassment at people.

It’s inevitable to have someone like that in a company with thousands employees, and in fact it’s perfectly normal for that person to has his own opinions and to express them. The only problem is that he did it on an account that’s related in some way with Blizzard themselves, if it was on anonymous account nobody would even care.

To be fair they are not wrong the dev who said it but they should have kept it to themselves .
Asmong is well known for treating others badly yet escapes with no actions because of his so called status . When he ruined AD server with him and his followers anyone else would have been banned but they let him bed .Asmong can be very toxic , what the dev did was very very wrong but Asmong is just as bad .

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Yes and he acknowledges this himself.


Yeah but two wrongs don’t make one right.

I could also levy a lot of criticism toward Asmongold for a lot of his past conduct and behavior. But Asmongold doesn’t really have 8 core values that underscore how he tries to conduct himself. He seemingly conducts himself as a man-baby and if that’s his style, then more power to him. I can’t really expect him to behave the way I want him to just because I don’t like man-baby behavior. So I ignore him.

Blizzard however wants to present themselves as super professional and considerate and respectful. Okay, but then I will also hold them accountable to that standard, because they have set it themselves.


Who said it they don’t have “different” standards. Every company will write that they are the “2nd Jesus” in the about us section. :smiley:

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I agree sorry i am struggling to get my point across today with right words but i hope you get what i mean 2 wrongs do not make a right :slight_smile:


I’d rather they just hire super professionals and tell them to shut up on social media unless that’s their jobs. There are just too many bugs in the last patch.


Yes, how dare they use social media?? Anyone who ever starts working for a company should delete theirs instantly and never look towards it again. I don’t care if it’s their off day even or if they just went home for the evening. No social media allowed ever.

Oh no he said a 1/10 potency slur. The horror. Protect the children. Asmongold in any given random 10min segment will say a swear word of similar or bigger potency. He is immune to it

If your tweets affects sales in a bad way then you deserve to be fired.


I would prefer if everything was more chill and players and Blizzard could just communicate openly without censorship or being offended and not make a big deal out of everything. Like in the old days.

But if Blizzard wants to go the high route and proclaim a more noble standard, then sure.

So if I call you an ***hole on the forums, then Blizzard will ban me for it.

Okay fair enough, that’s the standard imposed.

And if a Blizzard employee calls a player an ***hole on social media, then they should definitely also be slammed for that.

Same standard applies.


The American way :wink:

If you think this will affect sales in any way you’re not used to this.

Also, if you have a content creator who’s always bashing the game and the devs nonstop, he deserves to be banned from your game.

But nobody ever wants to talk about that part where he smacks the blizz devs 24/7

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Yeah, but if Blizzard thinks Asmongold is such a vile influence on their game and community that he ought to be banned, then they should just go ahead and ban him.

Calling him an ***hole accomplishes absolutely nothing and is completely unprofessional and worthy of a massive facepalm.


Yes told off and have actions but to be fired like some are asking for seems way over the top and some times blizzard so not ban for words used on forums me and you know better than that espcially you recently with some words you have used about the player base calling them “idiots and morons” which i agree on but you are still here posting .

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I was agreeing with you :slight_smile: