I am in the same boat with some of the guild achievements, especially the ‘Stay Classy’ Meta Achievement. I don’t do PvP/Raids and very rarely do Dungeons. I have been (was) working on getting the Stay Classy Achievement. I levelled most of the Gnomes/Dwarves and Pandaren in this guild, paid for a few race changes but with the exception of the Cloth wearers I levelled all the Worgen to 70. (The Cloth wearers were levelled by a friend). My Worgen Druid hit level 70 14/05/2024, but the guild was not given the Achievement. SO now I have to wait for TWW within to go live then level them all to the next level cap so all progress will be wiped of the ‘Classy Worgen’ part of the achievement.
I would suspect that you might need to do the same for your rewards in Season 1 of TWW. Except it will be different title/rewards.
I have been submitting tickets/posting here and reporting bugs since 10.2.7 went live. Most of my posts have been moved into another post, they marked my month long tickets and responses as resolved, when it clearly hasn’t been resolved, and I think my bug reports have been flushed down the toilet.
Good luck though, I genuinely hope you get what you have been working towards.