Versatility in Shadowlands

Hi guys, I dont realy like the versatility in the game (its somehow ok in pvp). I dont think its funny secondary stat. Flat damage boost , Flat damage taken reduction. I dont like when the versatility is the best secondary stat for PVE content, its realy weird. Lot of balance class/difficulty issues comes with versatility to the game, especialy later in expansions.
How do you feel about the versatility in Shadowlands Blizz guys ? :slight_smile:

Pff… I don’t like any of the secondary stats because of all the times I’ve gotten a new piece of gear and then just go… “Ah crud… It’s the wrong stats” :laughing:

Versatility is basically a combination of PvP Power and PvP Resilience. Difference is that it is for everything, not just PvP.
Just remove Versatility and add PvP vendors. PvP gear sold from them should have PvP Power and PvP Resilience in addition to the already other 2 secondary stats in it.

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yea ,these are overall bit too strong 10+ ilvl downgrades… :slight_smile:

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This could also be fixed with the reintroduction of an old friend named Reforge.

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PVP loot system without PVP vendors is something what i realy cant understand it was, such wrong step, going agaist nature of pvp player himself.
PVP is about planning how to kill someone effectively… and boom… You cant even plan how to gear your character for PVP. Versatility is the little awful child of it :smiley:

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the idiots should bring back multistrike and just balance it better it was super fun for casters especially

Maybe from a DPS POV, but from a tank POV, it’s our 2nd bst state next to haste on 90% of classes.

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