VERY BAD: Vengeance Demon Hunter changes

  • If I understand the changes correctly, that you will change the increased health to a healing spell instead, then changing metamorphosis to a healing spell is extremely bad. Vengeance demon hunters do not have spell reflect nor immunity like bubble, nor high base health like guardian druids. In very many cases the extra health IN COMBINATION with a defensive damage reduction trinket is what has prevented being one shot in high mythic keys. This change has clearly been planned by some casual raider.

  • Also there is no reason to reduce damage like this on Fel scarred for vengeance demon hunters. The big dps veng dh has been doing in HEROIC DUNGEONS is because the mobs dont do much damage for high geared skilled player in these dungeons, so the pulls are insane.

The tuning you are doing must be based on heroic dungeon numbers, which are absolutely meaningless for any endgame content, because nobody is doing +20s in the beta either. Talent builds that allow high damage with a big pull with fel scarred are not doable in high keys. You dont run double fel devastation with increased damage there, because you need defensive spells, and to uphold demon spikes all time and most likely cheat death.

You are throwing veng DH to the trash again. Very sad.

    • Fel-Scarred
      • Focused Hatred now provides bonus damage beyond 1-target only, with the bonus reducing by 10% for each target beyond 1.
    • Vengeance
      • Metamorphosis now heals you for 40% of your maximum health instead of modifying your health directly.
      • Casting Metamorphosis while in Demon Form no longer heals you. Triggering Last Resort always heals you for 40% of your base maximum health.
        • Developer’s note: This cleans up some edge cases in Metamorphosis, where activating it while Demon Form is active would sometimes not heal you, and sometimes heal you a reduced amount. This is an increase to the healing received when triggering Last Resort while in Demon Form. Metamorphosis’ health restoration will now also appear as healing in combat logs.