Very big lag spikes

When playing retail i get big “world” ping spikes game works fine for a while and then everything freezes cant cast anything game just lags for half a minute. Flushing dns as read on technical support forum helped a bit but still problem occur just not after 10 seconds but after a minute from choosing a character. Any idea what can I do?

I dont know what data do you need I can provide what’s needed.

The weird thing is that other games doesnt have any problems I have about 30 ping in for example tft, hearthstone works well, WoW is the only problematic one.

I moved recently and changed internet provider if it helps by any means

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If ur ms goes high then it can be ur ISP fault, bad routing etc. If ms is ok that means just server is lagging. It happens for example when there’s active Theater Troupe event and u can do nothing with this. That’s experience of monthly paid game xd

What should I ask my ISP then?

EDIT:Contacted them and they told me it’s not their fault…

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