Very low population on Nek’Rosh server

Dear development team,

through Blizzard support I came here for this issue.

Currently I am experiencing a problem that is being experienced by a lot of players on the EU hardcore server Nek’Rosh. The population has decreased rapidly in the last couple of weeks and now I am no longer able to find groups for dungeons or difficult quests. Sometimes I am looking for a group for hours on end and end up empty handed.

I was wondering if you are aware of this problem and whether there are possible solutions being made for this. I have seen a forum about a merger of the two servers. is that something that is going to happen?

Also, the population on the other server, Stitches, seems to be a lot higher. I would like to transfer my characters to that server but that is not possible, why don’t you make that a possibility? I would gladly pay for something like that as I’m sure many others would.

So in conclusion I would like to know if there is going to be a solution to the problem mentioned above and what that solution would be.

Kind regards,

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The solution will occur when Self Found drops and with Cataclysm Beta. The issue, SoD has pulled players away from their home servers. Another solution could be to allow for merged servers…

It is nice with low pop HC server. You know who is tank or Hunter or 'Lock to be avoid :wink:
My solution: Find nice Guild.

I’m sorry but I don’t see how that would solve this problem. Do you mean because Self found mode will attract new players? While that is probably true it will not drastically increase numbers and it will still not mitigate the differences in population between servers. Why not just merge the servers?

I feel you. I recently decided to go agane, on Nek’Rosh where my last journey ended, and I kept having this feeling that there won’t be much to do at 60. Seemed like a mere Deadmines run would be hard enough to pull off.

Now, I died at 17 through a perfect marriage between a bad long-term and a bad short-term decision, but when I go agane agane, it shan’t be on Nek’Rosh.

Horde side Victory And Death and Classic Hardcore guilds have over a 100 players online at any given time. We are 2 guilds joined together with around 850-900 actively played characters in each guild, dead characters and inactive for more than 5 days are kicked on a daily basis. You can whisper everyone that is online for an invite. We only have 2 basic rules everyone needs to abide to, the first and most important rule is be respectful and nice to everyone, we are in a guild to help each other. The second one is install greenwall addon to see the linked chat of both guilds. We don’t raid but the people that want to raid quickly find a new home in Victory or Infamous.

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Alliance side has more than enough players. LFG chanel is always full with activity of any level range, and personally I never had a problem grouping up for pretty much anything.

I can’t talk for the end-game yet, as I haven’t reached there, but I believe for HC is very normal to see most the character activity be around the early-mid levels of the game.

Is it as populated as it was? Of course not. SoD is out and many people are there currently, but I came back on HC Nek’Rosh from Era/SoD and I was surprised by how many ppl still play and how full the AH is.

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