Very scummy move to disable Zaralek Cavern rares without notice before patch

You know, when the new season makes it impossible or much harder to do certain content (like lowering mythic mount drop chance to 1%), there is some heads-up.

Now you basically made it impossible to collect the “Unique creatures and treasures” set in Zaralek Cavern for those who didn’t farm it or were unlucky before. Why?

This is absolute nonsense. Rares in Zaralek were already almost dead content, but a few times there were groups formed to make a round to kill all of them. Not anymore. Every now and then we get one single, non-soloable rare that almost instantly despawns. This is almost like completely removing the content. WHY?


While I don’t agree with the change, and I think a better one would just be to nerf the HP of the mobs by 60-80%, you can’t really say they didn’t give any headsup.

It was posted a week or two ago, followed up by a blue explanation as in why they’re making this decision.

Blizzard on Recent Hotfix to Rares in Zaralek Caverns and Forbidden Reach - Wowhead News

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I mean, a heads-up is an announcement beforehand, like “Hey, you’d better get these items now, because later they won’t be so easy”. The post you linked is an explanation that happened after they made the unannounced change.

As for the drop chance increase, I believe it when I see it, but even the best case scenario is that they put the cart before the horse again. Chances are, said horse won’t ever exist.

where is this nerf

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I’m inclined to think that they only did it in a misguided effort to hide how dead the zones have become once the ‘initial rush’ is over. Since they all show up on the map, it wasn’t unusual to go there and see a whole bunch of rare enemies up at once. I asked if anyone wanted to team up to attack them and…got no response. Equally, my attempt to form a group didn’t amount to anything either.

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Probably true but, if those became soloable there would be no need to go and make them despawn. There would be people doing them.


Yeah, I honestly don’t understand the thought process. Now that they are “past patch” content, it’d be very reasonable to tune them in a way where they are soloable with 10.2 gear.


Ah I see.


I am not sure if this is working as intended. I have now spent 3 days camping Karotka. We are talking hours and hours uninterrupted camping while watching things on second screen and not a peep. When he spawned today I immediately got phased away and couldn’t find a party in any channel.

I can’t believe this is how it is meant to work. I thought the change would mean things cycled through quicker and there would be more spawns not less.

I have to say I agree. I am very keen on the “Unique creatures and treasures” set and having no rares up nor spawning is really discouraging. I also don’t see groups in the group finder for the lucky layers. I don’t have the time to camp these rares for days. They said they want a ‘ball of death’. It looks like the least that needs to happen is that the rares need to spawn more often, so that there is something to make a ball for.

I’d also be OK if the dirt covered pouches from the events would start dropping the set pieces, because at this point the map is covered with those events. Seeing that the death ball is the goal, I assume they will simply fix the rares rather than add drops to the events however.

they need to revert change or make rare drop on rare higher like karokta in 107 attempt now and no drop

I am really hoping by the final patch they will do this. I mean players have been asking for this from the start of ZC and the dumb changes. The zone is dead except for your mining bots. I believe that once they do this the zone will suddenly be very active with “bored” players going to finish off collections and achievements.

What is even the respawn time of rares, I need a single rare to finish an adventurer achievement. I can’t imagine what it would feel for people that actually want to farm all the drops off these rares… This is such a terrible change. Not every rare has to be a rare. I could understand the mount rare being actually rare, but nothing else has to take days of afk to find once, which is the case if i’ve been here for nearly 2 hours and haven’t seen a single spawn. Take off the rare map pin from rares if it bothers you so much Blizzard that the map looks like a christmas tree… that’s a simpler change instead of wasting my time for trivial achievement.

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