Hey there guys,
Im Leoni im 22 years old and im from Germany and im looking for a new home after i took a 4 month break from WoW.
About me!
So like i said im 22 years old and im curently Studying Biochemestry, besides playing Video games i also take care of 2 dogs, 1 cat and 5 Horses (yes real horses okey actualy 4 horses and one Pony anyways). If this sounds stressfull for ya then your rigth because it is but i still finde alot of time playing games :3. If the words of the few friends i have are true i’m also a good therapyst but dont quote me on that on xD.
One Big thing about me you shoud know is that i suffer from Selectiv Mutism thanks to a sever psychological Trauma. Why this is important for playing you ask? If you read more then you will know . SO like i said before i sadly cant speak but i love listen and im quiet a fast typer so if this isent any problem for you then we already are 50% done :3
My Warcarft me!
So i play this (sometimes) strange and funny game since WotLK and had a small break at the begin of BFA cause of Privat issues. I play most of the time (around 95% of my career) Tank, wich class especialy? All of them why? Because i cant just play one class so i decide to (kinda) master all tank classes. Do i have success? Kinda if i migth say so
. I have a lot of raid experince up to Mythic but my M+ experince and skills are more likely bad then anything else
but i willing to learn and will absorb any help like a sponge :3.
Another thing to know!
I dont minde if i play on Aliance or on Horde. Why? because i only have chars on the German Servers so i woud start fresh on a new realm etc even tho i eventualy trans my DK (cause she is my baby).
If you come this far then congratz you earn already my respect and if your interestet or have more questionts my Bnet is Pridê#21299 or Discord:,.,.,#4451