Viable world PvP specs, if

…the priority list has the following order (from most to least important), without taking healers and tanks into account:

  1. has no hard counters
  2. can efficiently stop others from running away from a fight
  3. has a decent chance at running away from a fight
  4. is positioned in the upper third of the food chain

What is your experience, which specs do well in world PvP, regarding the above four points? Which specs are worth trying out?

I’m currently playing an arcane mage, and when I’m in Mechagon I usually attack anyone I see. All in all I think I’m having a good experience with my arcane mage. Some powerful classes seem to be remarkably easy, like windwalkers and havoc DHs. To me and my limited experience it looks like an arcane mage is something like a hard counter to windwalkers, which are considered one of the best 1v1 specs in the game. On the other hand, I sometimes have issues against arms warriors (probably a l2p thing). I also have the feeling, that elemental shamans are big trouble for mages, possibly some form of hard counter?

I don’t have triple quick thinking traits yet, but I expect things to get even better once I have them but I also want to try other classes and specs in world PvP, that’s why I’m starting this discussion.

Feral Druid!

Lottsa fun 1v1, can stealth/re-stealth, heal, thorns, root, stun, speed, kite and antikite, escape slows, insta fly out of combat (nelf), etc.

DK as long ad you’re not facing a DH, you’re golden.

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