Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

Please answer this question:
How many R‘s are there in the word ‘strawberry’?

Is this a way to find a bot or something?

Update to the above. Checking the reliability monitor shows 2:

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 1a8

Which link to graphics drivers.

Latest drivers, bunch of windows updates, DX11, no AA and I’ve crashed once in a week of playing on and off and it was mid raid in BWL (im on SoD) when the blue bwl effect was going off.

Driving me mad.

Reliability monitor used be full of crashes for crashes Radeon related for me even after GPU driver crashes went away, it still shows issues but those are all app crashes now if i filter those out i am rock stable since 24.10.1 24.9.1 still had some radeon software crashes.

I highly recommend just using 100% renderscale set resampler on bicubic and do not use MSAA and use CMAA 1 or CMAA2 instead or no AA at all.

I have been very stable so far, no crashes at all i am hoping this can be helpful for some, but its probably not as stability can vary just for having 2 different monitors.

Any updates from Blizzard on this please?
It’s been quite some time since they provided an update.
This is still an issue for a lot of people. Come on.


are you on dx 11 or 12? what compatibility options you have selected?

I play with Directx12, i recommend posting on guru3D driver thread about driver issues, as vanguard program users are active their, they work for AMD as volunteer may read feedback and take it even more serious.

Hey guys,
I stumbled upon this solution which surprisingly works for me.
I didn’t had a single driver timeout since July. I’m playing exclusively on Cataclysm Classic but it shouldn’t be a big factor. Hope it will work for you as it did for me.

Doesn’t really work for me.
Thanks for your info though.

@Blizzard team - any updates on this please?

Have you tried also turning off “Game Adjustment Tracking and Notifications” option in Adrenalin software? It’s under preferences tab when you click on the cogwheel in upper right corner of a Adrenalin window. The solution didn’t solve game freezes from time to time but these freezes don’t cause drivers crash for me anymore. After approximately 10 sec game just goes back to normal

The fact that it takes 5-10 seconds of screen freeze per crash makes you literally unusable in higher end content, and then what’s the point to even playing.

We need a proper solution for this.

Blizzard team, any updates?

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Had a crash upon loading the game at the time i had throtled my DNS so when DNS issues occur it may have some hicups that lead to crash i suspect, but pure speculation haven’t had crashes again also Firefox is constantly crashing when scrolling thru websites with lots of gifs playing all at same time like imgur tenor reddit etc, these sites you do not want active in background while playing wow could lead to these crashes, always suspected it was related its kind of confirmed right now.

Discord for example pauses gifs if app not in focus if configured at default, so does steam, not sure if chrome does as well.

Anyway i got 1000 hours on record without crash ignoring that one time crash that might be related to me having throtled my dns servers.

my crash recovered within 5 seconds there was no freeze just a stutter.

Hey @Blizzard engineering team,

This is still an issue. Can we have an update please?