Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

Hello Blizzard engineering team.

Could we have an acknowldgement for the video driver time-out for AMD graphic cards and find a solution for this ASAP please?

A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffffdc0b7480f460
Parameter 2: fffff80461a94f60
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 283c
OS version: 10_0_19045
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_amdkmdag.sys-OC-SCH

Same issue happening to lots of people. Similar thread on US forums:

My PC specs are:
Radeon 7900XTX
Ryzen 5800X
Temperatures strictly below 60 degrees for both video card and CPU.
Altough the card can run the game probably at 150-200 fps, I’m limitting the FPS to 100 tops.

Issue happens randomply every few days.
The same issue as described on the previous US thread.

Currently using AMD drivers 23.2.2 as the newer ones crash the game many more times.
We need a fix Blizzard, please.

Please don’t answer with: Re-install game? Re-install drivers? OS? Format?
Please don’t.
We did, or I did this many many times and the issue is not fixed.

Further external links detailing the errors:


Playing other Blizzard games, like Diablo 4 for example and it NEVER EVER crashed or showed a driver time out issue.

EDIT: BTW … no, this isn’t a 10.2 issue.
This has happened in 10.0, 10.1 and now on 10.2
Also most probably before Dragonflight aswell.


Good luck getting them to admit it being on their end (if it is).
I have the same card, same problem every now and then.
Only in wow too lol


Well they need to fix it sooner or later.
Looking forward to a faster fix though.


Theres no temporary workout for the driver crash/timeout?
It’s kind of annoying tbh

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Yeah I have the same issue on 7900 XTX and 5800X3D… Literally just now I had a full system crash (both monitors went black, never recovered), had to force shutdown the pc… And it ONLY happens in this game, even more demanding games doesn’t have this issue…


What he said here


We don’t get top end video cards to switch to DX11.
Reading on the post, this might be a temporary fix but not a permanent fix as it may occur with DX11 aswell.

Blizzard team, you need to acknowledge this issue and have the dev team start working on a fix.
Do you just hate AMD and want us to switch to Nvidia + Intel or what?


It might not be a good solution by any means and you will lose a lot of performance switching to dx11 in a threaded game.
But - I’d rather have less fps than game crashing…
Just hope they fix it soon. (lol they won’t but one can hope).

Didn’t fix it. Issue is still present.

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They need to put some work into this, if 7900 XTX users are affected, it needs to get fixed.
It’s not like it’s a previous generation or older card, it’s the top dog from AMD at present.

Please fix it Blizzard


Can’t even play atm cause it happens too often.
in a dung? Too bad you died cause your game froze.
Pvp? Too bad you died and get reported as afk too, because your game froze.


Adding some further context for Blizzard support team, in case they are actually looking.
The below event is happening exactly when the graphic driver times out on 7900 XTX.

A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Faulting Application Path: D:\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: Wow.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 65492844
Hang Signature: 2cdf
Hang Type: 134217728
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: 2cdfc4f3c85276857cfd8096a38d766b
Additional Hang Signature 2: af30
Additional Hang Signature 3: af30d9b901f5ed83464d0c27293579b5
Additional Hang Signature 4: 2cdf
Additional Hang Signature 5: 2cdfc4f3c85276857cfd8096a38d766b
Additional Hang Signature 6: af30
Additional Hang Signature 7: af30d9b901f5ed83464d0c27293579b5

Event Viewer logs:
Log Name: Application
Source: Application Hang
Date: 11/8/2023 8:57:56 AM
Event ID: 1002
Task Category: (101)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
The program Wow.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Security and Maintenance control panel.
Process ID: 7310
Start Time: 01da1210d8f43f03
Termination Time: 2
Application Path: D:\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe
Report Id: adbf793b-0f5e-4c4c-a9bd-08c40aa7332d
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Hang type: Unknown

Follow-up reliability center event is:
Then either 1 monitor or both monitors turn black, video driver crashes, and then recovers few seconds later.

A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffffdc0b7480f460
Parameter 2: fffff80461a94f60
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 283c
OS version: 10_0_19045
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_amdkmdag.sys-OC-SCH

Can we have more reports from other users aswell?
Maybe we can raise this red flag faster to Blizzard devs?

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Where do you get that info? All I get from the eventlog is this

Display driver amduw23g stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

I have not been able to complete a Time Rift since 10.2 because of this (AMD Ryzen 7 5700G). The end boss loading screen just never ends and I am unable to get back in fast enough to tag the boss.

I think that might be unrelated to the GPU issue mentioned here.
Do you by any chance have addons that might cause this?

I have the 7900XT and I’ve been having issues ever since 10.2 dropped. It freezes, black screen and then the driver error. Sometimes it works fine, but sometimes it just gets in this insane crash loop.


I’ve been having issues on my 7900 XTX since early dragonflight pretty much, and once wotlk classic got the dragonflight engine with phase 3 it’s been happening there as well. Seems to have gotten worse after 10.2, had a full driver crash that never recovered, had to restart pc. Also been having the game itself not respond every now and then (on directx 11)
Sometimes it feels like Blizzard are Nvidia shills :frowning: Whenever you try to contact them about the issue, they just give you the usual troubleshooting steps like, disabling addons, delete any overlay like discord etc… When it happens even on a fresh install of Windows…

I had a bit of a scare myself, did an update to the AMD driver but after the install, I tried to minimise the amd adrenaline software but it kinda crashed, leaving my screen half filled with the app and half desktop. Couldn’t get rid of it however I tried so had to do a restart.

Next up, installed the wow update then tried to play, game kept freezing on loading so again I tried a restart. From that moment I kept getting blue screens of death, even trying to go into the bios and the pc kept resetting.

So I decided to try and do a repair, wouldn’t work, tried to do a full windows reinstall, kept resetting when trying to enter the cd key. This went on and on till the following day, I finally managed to get into the bios where I reset the overclock on my ram and restarted. Hey presto, all working again, so went back into bios and re oc’d my ram… back to working flawlessly again. Big scare tho as it’s a new pc and my bum was doing 50p 20p 50p 20p lol.

No idea if this was an AMD issue or a WOW issue but it wasn’t fun.

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No addon issue here mate, really.
It’s a driver time out with World of Warcraft only.
No other games cause these crashes.

We need Blizzard devs to work on this with AMD aswell preferably and provide a solution.
I mean, it’s a game that millions of players still play and we buy the top end cards for this and because of these issues, we can’t properly enjoy the game at all.

You can get the info either from Reliability History (access it from start menu) or Event Viewer logs, Application logs at the time of the video driver crash.


The workaround for getting into the game works, but it will always critically crash in an hour or so, complaining about not having enough memory and similar issues. This is ridiculous!

The game worked fine before the patch and none of my other games experience this sort of issue!

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Any Blizzard technical support engineer around?
Come on.

When the game crashes, besides the error I’ve posted above, I see the followings in the GX.LOG file from the WoW folder.
These appear at the same time when the video driver crashes.

11/10 22:19:55.470 Error WaitForSingleObjectEx Timeout: The wait operation timed out. (0x80070102).
11/10 22:20:02.082 GxNotifyOnDisplayChange: 1
11/10 22:20:02.346 Gpu state has changed. re-enumerating
11/10 22:20:02.431 Adapter 0: “AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX” family:Unknown type:Discrete location:10 driver_date:17-Feb-2023 driver_ver:(0x1f000036d103f4) vendor:0x1002 device:0x744c dx11:true dx12:true
11/10 22:20:02.431 Monitor 0 “Dell G3223D(DisplayPort_HDR)” Size(2560x1440) Pos(0, 0)
11/10 22:20:02.431 Monitor 1 “Dell G3223D(DisplayPort_HDR)” Size(2560x1440) Pos(2560, 0)
11/10 22:20:02.431 Device context was lost. Attempting recovery. Occurrence: 1
11/10 22:20:02.525 GxRestart
11/10 22:20:02.525 D3d12 Device Destroy
11/10 22:20:02.525 Error WaitUntilCompleted Failed: The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (0x887A0005).
11/10 22:20:02.525 Device Removed Reason: The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because some other application submitted invalid commands.
The calling application should re-create the device and continue. (0x887A0007).
11/10 22:20:02.525 Error WaitUntilCompleted Failed: The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (0x887A0005).
11/10 22:20:02.525 Device Removed Reason: The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because some other application submitted invalid commands.
The calling application should re-create the device and continue. (0x887A0007).
11/10 22:20:02.525 Error WaitUntilCompleted Failed: The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action. (0x887A0005).
11/10 22:20:02.525 Device Removed Reason: The GPU will not respond to more commands, most likely because some other application submitted invalid commands.
The calling application should re-create the device and continue. (0x887A0007).
11/10 22:20:02.525 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
11/10 22:20:02.696 Choosing gpu by name: “AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX”
11/10 22:20:02.696 GpuInfo: sm:dx_6_0, rt:DXR 1.1, vrt:2, bary:1, mesh:1 pull:1

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