Video from inside BRD How BOTS boosting/farming for gold

So, I tried to buy boost for exp in BRD and booster was a bot. This how BOTS farm BRD. Fly-hacking is allowed it seems.

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They are doing it for ages. Punish gold buyers harder. No demand for gold means no more bots. But 90% of Community is buying gold sadly :frowning:

Just look how the people just take them up on their service all while knowing that they are botters.
Honestly just need to perma ban people that buy boosts as well. If you dont want to play the game then dont play it.

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Those boosters are gamebreakers!

If you want to do dungs the regular way and can’t find a group, blame them.
If fresh lvl 60s don’t know tactics in dungs, blame them.
If ppl don’t understand the difficulty of f/i DM-N, blame them.

Mass report them and the advertizers for boosts! Install Prat or any other addon that allows you to copy text and put it in the report. The report for boosters is actually in the report window.

All of you, report them.

If they banned gold buyers in classic wow like 80% of the community is gone overnight. :slight_smile:


as if they ever do ban waves , i’ve reported the same bot hunts in azshara at last 30times and still nothing.

Every single bot i’ve reported i’ve seen gone, it might not take an immediate effect or the same day but they will be gone, stop demotivating reporting.

Also the WTT my gold blablah, report them, some ppl experienced getting scammed and 1 person i know of got banned.

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i’m not demotivating , just stating what happen on my server.
there has been 3 hunter farming for the 3last week 24/24 in azshara and they don’t get ban even with a lot of reports.

Those (BRD) bots are usually alive for 2-3 days before ban (on lvl 60), so yes they are detected and banned at some point (but they still make profit), so if blizz can detect them, then they can also ban people who bought boost service from them - maybe not perma first time, but at least for 2 weeks (not people who randomly got into this group, see they flyhacking and left, but people who are staying for a lot of runs in those bot groups knowing they are hacking and still buying this boost)

It is not, that is why it is “hacking” and not flying by Blizzard.

Should just report them if you haven’t yet and don’t buy boosts from them/leave if you immediately see that they’re flyhacking.

It is impossible to report them. 200-300 new hunter bots every day… Blizzard must do something with this not us. At least Blizzard should try to ban them like 20 days ago and it worked for 3 weeks. Now reports stopped working again…