Hopefully it is okay to post this here, let me know if it is not!
I am currently working on my Bachelor’s paper about the topic of Video Games and Leadership and I need your help!
This survey is aimed at those who play or have played video games in the past and have leadership experience in video games (such as guild lead, raid lead, dungeon/mythic lead, shot caller in a battleground/rbg/arena - can be other games too other than WoW) and who have working experience in a business environment.
If it helps to ease your concerns, you do not need to enter an email address or a name and the only personal data that is asked is age and gender! The survey tool is licensed by my university as can be seen in the link (FHWN) which correlates to the university website https://www.fhwn.ac.at/en/. The data gathered is anonymous and only used for my bachelor paper research!