Videos of AD Roleplay Campaigns & Events 🎦

Happy holidays all! :clinking_glasses: We’re about to enter 2024, and I for one started reminiscing roleplay of the past year - and then the years beyond. The battles and the parties, the journeys and the tourneys. Over the years, I’ve filmed many roleplay events on the server and thought it might be fun to share a number of them on the forums.

Whatever your opinion on each campaign and event, the purpose of the thread is to inspire people, especially players new to the server, by showing various happenings the roleplay community has pulled off together. We’ve laughed, cried and even crashed servers through the sheer intensity of our shared hobby! :firecracker:

Those who’ve been on AD for a while, let’s see how many people spot themselves or friends in the footage!


Frozen Heart 2 (2016)

Starhost: Vengeance of the Night Warrior (2017)

Sent to the Savannah (2018)

Drums of War (2018)


Eastvale Tournament 2 (2008)

Eastvale Tournament 3 (2010)

The Dwarven District’s Drinkathon (2010)

Scarecrow’s Night: Masquerade (2010)

Return of the Argent Tournament (2011)

Eastvale Tournament 4 (2015)

Darkmoon Faire (2015)

Machinima: Darkmoon Faire (2015)
This is more of an event trailer machinima, but I’ll include it for the sheer number of AD characters featured!

Shipwrecked (2015)

Eversong Autumn Ball (2015)

WonderFaire Veil (2015)

Tournament: The Maul (2016)

Sin’dorei Summer Masquerade Ball (2016)

Lunar Festival Procession (2016)

Darnassus Spring Festival (2017)

Shipwrecked - Primeval (2017)

Uldum Market (2018)

Kosh’harg (2018)

Wor’aggar - Festival of the Wolf (2018)

Lunar Festival in Darnassus (2018)

The Hallowed Ball (2018)

Shipwrecked Night Elves (2023)

Wishing everyone fun roleplay and exciting adventures to come in 2024!


I did not ask for all these feels.


You’re welcome!

Thank you for sharing these!

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I didn’t even know there was any footage of the Return of the Argent Tournament. It feels crazy to see my character all the way back in 2011. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you very much for this, it sincerely means a lot :blue_heart:


Remembering my chars in Frozen Heart 2 and seeing them in the background…
I have turned to dust, but with happy memories.


Wish I still had the HD version of that video file! Originally submitted it to Warcraft Movies only (I don’t know if anyone ever goes there anymore, it used to be popular back then). The video ended up being a hit there, with over 50k views and 80 comments - viewers being very impressed that people actually roleplayed in WoW like that! It felt good to deliver the vibes of what roleplay can be, not all of us spend all our nights in Goldshire!

Most welcome! :clinking_glasses:


I will, from this point on always link this post to people that is curious about AD RP, its a great representation for what it can be like.
Together with a 100 nostalgic stories as a side dish :rofl:

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Still happy to have made it to the thumbnail of The Maul, such a fun event even if I only made it to 2nd place. Good memories all around, ty Acrona


Man, I recognise a lot of these events. Can’t believe Sent to the Savannah was 5 years ago.

Thanks for the memories, Acrona!


Oh boy, the memories.

I think this was the single largest scale RP campaign I ever attended, with three separate camps — Alliance, Horde, and neutral — and feeling epic in scope, spanning five zones in Northrend.

It was a magical time. Sadly, most of the characters Lintian got to know through that campaign have since quit the game, but I fondly remember their names: Koriandr Zhora, Naerwen Sablefang, Cirandiel Starhawk, and Nathaniel Hawthorne (Brockyfang).


Oh… Be still, my beating heart.


It is amazing that there’s footage from Eastvale tourny from 2008 (!). That’s 15 years. . .

That’s some great history right there, thanks Acrona.


Just sat down with a cup of chai and I’m looking at these and it’s amazing to see what goes on here. :slight_smile: These look like some great memories you captured for people. Crack on! :+1:


The pre-BfA campaigns of 2018, glorious.

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Out of all events and campaigns I attended Frozen Heart holds a special place in my heart. The late night RP, meeting lifelong friends, the events, the travels it was just everything. A small part of me held some sort of hope for a Frozen Heart 3, but sadly that may not happen. But no doubt more campaigns will come in the future.


I spotted my old main in the 2010 Scarecrow’s Night video and then turned to dust. I hadn’t the foggiest any footage of that event remained!

Thank you for posting these! The videos are testament of the community that holds something truly unique over the many years.


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