Well it’s been a really great response its brilliant you have reached out to us we are forming nicely have some awesome people with us, it’s been great so far so anymore of you out there even if you stopped playing and plan on returning, get in touch
Please feel free to join our community.
Have a great day of gaming all and may the rng gods be good to you
Just joined with my little druidette.
Hi Ishmae and welcome
Hi there, I’ve been playing since the tail end of vanilla WoW - raided in TBC and WofLK, but my guild of ‘oldies’ has faded down to two, so I’m looking for a new home - I’ve several characters, but I’m maining Bullmane (Shaman) and Nerffu (Monk) on Emerald Dream. It’d be good to do some group content as now that I’m an age beginning with a 5 the go-go-go thing isn’t really me these days !
I think I would be interested. I’ve lots of grey hair (nearly 60), gamer for nearly 40 years now. Came back to wow after a 7 yr break. Definately not the best of the best at playing my character, slow sometimes but I love the game nonetheless. Played lots of RPG games notably games like Bulders Gate, Ultima titles (last 1 or 2), Skyrim, Fallout, System Shock, Mass Effect and of the course the recent Pillars of Eternity series and many more I can’t remember. Started wow playing with my son just before Wrath of the Lich King playing until a little after Cataclysm came out then stopped when I did a degree as a mature student in 2012. Big break then returned in March 2019, remembered a lot but there seems to a massive amount to relearn or learn cos it’s new.
Just joined too, with my Mage. Feel free to add my bnet
So nice, I played Ultima Underworld 1 and 2.
Don’t worry about being the best, this community is not about this but about fun and friendship.
So nice to have you guys join us, as Ternezia said it’s about fun and friendship, give me a poke when you are on and I will give you the discord link
Our community link has been updated:
We are growing quite fast. The community is once again cross-faction, meaning both factions can chat; for grouping we use btags.
So far all oldies have been very mature. (I am trying to imagine immaturity outbursts in old people and giggling from the thought).
omg how can you say that (flames) I can be very immature if I wanna be (spits out dummy/pacifier) I want you to take that back now (throws herself on floor and screams while kicking her feet)
Now, now, mommy will make everything right. Take back pacifier and shh.
I was wondering what community you were talking about in general forums, but this must be it I never thought that these parts of forums have anything at all in them to be honest.
I’ll contact you for an invite, or how does this work?
Emje, I have sent you a friend request (from Thorindar)
Hey Leroch, I got your request and have sent you a message. Welcome to the community hope you have a great time here
Sounds nice, this group. Have you made an in-game community?
Hi Solene, yes we have made a cross faction community for members who play horde or alliance or both
I have posted the link here and if you are interested in joining us you would be more than welcome.
Oh ok. Must be the link doesn’t work on my phone. I’ll try connect when I get back in-game. Sounds great.
Look forward to meeting you Solene. We have had some problems with the links, we generate it to never expire and no restrictions on how many uses, yet people still tell me they have problems - it’s frustrating. If you have trouble with the link later, please feel free to add me on b-tag (my b-tag link is posted in the second post of this thread) and I can then send the invite. You can remove me from b-tag friends immediately after this if you wish, as I know some people like to keep their friends lists for just that, rl friends