Vintage Players

Great. I’m away for a few days unfortunately, but as soon as I get back I’ll make sure to sort it all out!

Would like to join if possible

You would be more than welcome Usualdruid, if the link isn’t working can you add me on b-tag and I can send an invite, as I said earlier, you can remove me from friends list after this if you want :slight_smile:

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We’re having problems with the invite link, it seems to not work as intended. It might be because the community is Bnet one. Emje will be sending a ticket.

A few people have given up on joining because the link isn’t working, although they were given Emje’s btag as an alternative way of joining.

It’s up to them, but I don’t think a small inconvenience would stop someone who is truly interested in such community. :slight_smile: So add the btag, folks :slight_smile:

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Hi so happy to have joined the group just need to find out how to open a group window in the game! Its late so I will tomorrow!

So happy to have you join us Tribledaze, look forward to meeting you later :slight_smile:

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For me its bound to the J button, so try that :blush:


Fun people it is good to be part of :grinning:

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Would be interested in joining such a community. Sent a request via battle net🙂

Hi Dagoo, look forward to meeting you in game and welcoming you to our little community :slight_smile:

For those that don’t want to add on b-tag, I have linked a fresh community invite here - feel free to join and chat :slight_smile:

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Hi is this group still active? I tried your link but it doesn’t work.

I just downloaded the battlenet app and sent a friend req to you instead :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay will log on now :slight_smile:

So, just got back to the game, week or so ago after 8 or 9 years… I blame corona…
Emje, just sent you request on the b-net app, babaloooba and would love to join generation that remembers Nokia 3310. Tbh don’t want to deal with 13/14 year old, high pitched voices, in make believe world too!

Hey, welcome back to to WoW :slight_smile: I have sent you a link to the community.

Hi there! Just stumbled across this while looking for fellow oldies. Is it still active?

Hi Rumble

Unfortunately it is not so active although there is a few of us on a discord for chat - but only about 8 - 10 of us. I understand if you are looking for something more active, but if you want to join the discord the link is

I’m sorry I never saw this before.

Sadly it didn’t generate the interest I hoped it would so it died anyway Gráinne, so no worries :slight_smile:

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I have no idea how communities work or how to join! I’m 35 and rather lonely running through shadowlands at the moment! I’m finding it difficult to keep up with the guild progress and seek help as everytime is keen to progress themselves, understandably. I rejoined wow to play with a friend who is now playing with others and progressing well.
I’d be very interested in joining :slight_smile: