Damn…found this too late. I hope this doesn’t seem like i am stealing your thunder but, our guild is trying to focus on having the “vintage players”. People who have jobs, know their class, have enough money to sub every month , don’t go spastic playin 100032948293 games beside wow and don’t vanish at raid times.
These new ones make me go insane. They are either very casual, either wanna bash through raid in 2h, either like to be called mythic raiders and die at 1/10 mythic.
I am curious if there’s someone out here that is the same dying breed as we are. We take our class and raid times seriously , but don’t go over the edge pushing mythic raiding cuz we know what level of commitment that involves. We’re too old for that sh*t. Our jobs take enough energy out of us and the last thing we need is the elitism and drama a mythic guild means. We always were more a community than a guild. Armed with bad jokes, connect with the people we play with, become an in game family. That’s all lost to WoW now. I’m sad.
I used to be in a guild that was like a family. We all departed after cata and now it’s just so hard to find a place the same. I don’t want nor need elite status, I don’t have elite skills, I simply want a place I can come , have fun and a good giggle while playing my game. I started a community, hoping people will join and maybe again, find that social aspect I really want.
Love to get involved. I’m a 29 old gamer, use to play many expansion ago. Having 2 kids pushing my gaming back to 8pm haha.
Wod be great if I could get an invite.
Bnet Smitherus#2664
Playing horde on tarrenmill but happy to play anything !
Hey Smooshi, could I request to join your community please?
Would be great to make some new friends
36 year old player here. Been around since MoP and I still don’t get all that “urban dictionary” language! (Though I’ve always felt a lot older than my age when it comes to being social.)
Anyway, feels good to know I’m not entirely alone being an “older” player who feels most of the game is a bit too dominated by people with an overall immature attitude.
Sad to hear this community never became a bigger thing and I wish you all luck!
I’m actually still part of this original community and am sad that it dropped in activity. I do have a guild and now a M+ community up and running where majority of members are of the “older breed”, myself included. Search for Faster than Lag if you’d like to know more
35 here, work full time and travel alot. As such im looking for a guild to raid once a week, normal and hc.
So, a year on from this post and it feels like nothings changed, apart from the new expansion… I am 50 years old and have played WoW for years. I’ve always felt ‘less than’ when it came to raiding sadly, and had to pretty much get my gear up this expansion solo. I would love to find a guild on EU that I can fit right into! I am not a bad player, i am just not elitist enough for some of the guilds out there. My character is Lunafray and I am on Vek’nilash. If you have a guild for my hubby (41yrs) and I to join, please let me know. Much love, stay safe. x
See? I can’t even get my character’s straight! This is Lunafray hahaha
I think i love you… i might transfer to horde XD.
Hey Lunafray
You and your hubby are welcome to join our small community - TOGETHER. We are all 30+ (althought most are even in their 40s). We have been around for a long time and stuck together, we like to chat and have a laugh, along with raid, run mythic+ and all of that good stuff.
We tend to be online mostly evenings as most of us are working, taking care of kids etc during day time, but we are active and doing stuff pretty much every night.
Just like you said earlier, we are not bad players, we are simply old enough to know that rushing doesn’t make the experience better and that at the end of the day it is a game and not a job so we don’t want it to feel like one.
If you feel like you are interested just give me a shout Sil182#2743. The server we are on (Aerie Peak) is connected to yours too so no need to reroll characters or pay for anything. Although we do also have a cross-realm community and offer people from other servers to join us if they wish.
Anyway I will stop as this is becoming a very long post
Take care and have fun!
Do eeeeeeeet ! xD Sry for the late reply. I mean, i love myself too .Tbh im pretty awesome. /flex