Visions as a warlock and here what i'm thinking so far

So ive just started a warlock trying to gear it up … they need a baseline inturrupt like seriously … hunters have better pet heal (they can keep healing while still doing dps while warlock need to channel) they have better cleave and they have a baseline interrupt.

when u have designed a gameplay around interrupting mobs to avoid losing sanity but then not give a class baseline int it feels very clunky as all hell.

The voidwalker needs better aoe to hold aggro perhaps give it some void aoe around it or something and also we need better interrupt … its so annoying u when u know u can int but u cant (because i’m crappy geared i’m using voidwalker i’m assuming once u get better gear u can use felhunter more).

You could add some pet ability like voidwalker could have void crash or something aoe ability or give imp like flamestrike ability. feel like the pets need a bit more umph.

Anyhow bit of a moan but i feel there is a bit of logical point to this bit of both i guess XD.

I never even need to interrupt. Everything just dies before casting anything dangerous. Even the bosses melt during a single tyrant. Axe Toss is occasionally useful.

I agree with all of this.

An interrupt on the same tier as the enhanced shadowfury talent tier would already be a nice “choice” to have, but baseline would be better.

Gear does help a LOT for the visions, but any content that could be considered challenging or ilvl appropriate basically requiries you to have an interrupt. Especially with a mechanic like sanity it is important to be able interrupt. Otherwise all the damage reductions in the world (of warcraft) don’t matter as sanity will be drained either way.

In regards to pets. I can’t speak for the voidwalker as I’m a fulltime demolock, but the healing is never much of a problem as you can easily resummon the pet. Threat however is occasionally a problem. Heck, whenever a hunter is attacking the same rare as me, I can guarantee that his pet is holding all the mobs aggro.

In PvP my Shivarra(with pleasure trouhg pain) holds aggro better then Fel/wrathguard, like seriosly.

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