Visual bug on horse mounts with armored hooves (Court sinrunner, Goldenmane etc.)

Hello there,

I don’t know if this is the right place to share this, but I just noticed a visual bug on the more modern horse mounts with hoof plating. The court sinrunner and goldenmane both have a large, triangular piece of mesh that is being stretched between the front hooves as soon as the mount plays an animation in which both legs make any kind of movement. Like walking, running, the mount special animation etc.

It seems like one vertex on both hooves is anchored to the center of the space inbetween the front legs and haven’t properly been weight painted. It looks fine when standing still, but once you start walking a weird triangular piece of mesh start to stretch out from both hooves and meets at the center. It looks like the hooves are ‘glued’ together. It would be great if one of your artists could take a look.


I just found a youtube video showcasing Goldenmane. It was uploaded during Battle for Azeroth, back in 2018. The bug is present there as well, so it seems this has been a thing ever since these horse mounts were added to the game. Oddly enough, I haven’t found any comments regarding this visual issue anywhere. I hope this forum post and my bug report help to shed some light on this issue and will result in one of your artists taking a look under the hood some time.

Hey Sorvain,

Bugs should be reported in-game, to our developers. You can find the option in the main menu, and then Support. :slight_smile: Feel free to link the Youtube video that you found and a quick explanation, this usually helps a lot.

Thank you!

I’ll send in yet another bug report then, thanks!